Squeeze-out procedure completed

AB DnB NORD Bankas,company code 112029270, VAT payer code LT120292716,
registered office at J.Basanavičiaus St. 26, Vilnius, the data about the
company is collected and stored at the Register of Legal Entities, notifies
that after the account managers have implemented the decision of the Second
District Court of Vilnius City dated 17 December 2009 regarding the transfer of
ownership rights to 4,371 shares of AB DnB NORD Bankas to Bank DnB NORD A/S,
Bank DnB NORD A/S completed the squeeze-out procedure of AB DnB NORD Bankas
shares on 1 February 2010 and became the sole shareholder of AB DnB NORD Bankas
having 100 percent ownership of shares and votes in AB DnB NORD Bankas. 

Andrius Vilkancas,
Press officer 
tel. +370 5 239 3413