Auction result RIKB 11 0722 and RIKB 25 0612

Today at 2 pm the Government Debt Management auctioned Treasury Notes in series
RIKB 11 0722 and RIKB 25 0612.  The auction was structured as a single-price
auction which means that all accepted bids are offered to the bidders at the
same price. The lowest accepted price (highest yield) determines the selling

The main results of the auction were:

RIKB 11 0722
Number of bids in this series were 21, amounting to 7,100 nominal value.
Bids were accepted for 3,750 nominal value at the clean price of 100.80
(yield of 7.34%). 

RIKB 25 0612
Number of bids in this series were 61, amounting to 17,037 nominal value.
Bids were accepted for 6,737 nominal value at the clean price of 101.40
(yield of 7.83%). 

After the results of the auction are available, the GDM will offer primary
dealers 10% of the nominal value sold in the auction at the price of accepted
bids, until 14:00 on Tuesday, February 9. Each primary dealer that has
submitted an accepted bid in the auction has the right to purchase an amount
proportional to its total purchase. The payment and settlement date for these
transactions is Wednesday, February 10, 2010.

