Adjusting downwards the expectations to 2009

The  year 2009 was an extremely bad year  for revenue in the primary agriculture
and in particular for milk production. FirstFarms is also strongly influenced by
this  development.  In  the  fourth  quarter,  the  result  has  been negatively
influenced  by the  ongoing bad  pricing, down-scaling  of biological assets and
also  the  effect  of  the  bad  growth  season  for the fodder production, both
quantitative and qualitative.
· As a consequence of the bad growth conditions, the production of fodder has in
the  autumn been 25 percent below the expectations.  The value of the fodder has
furthermore  been reduced with 19 percent  due to low prices  and a lower fodder
value  than expected.  The biological  value of  the multi-annual alfalfa fields
have also been depreciated as an effect of the low valuation. The total negative
effect of these conditions is DKK 11 million compared to the expectations.
·  Due  to  a  delay  in  approval  of  a new stable section and the hard winter
weather,  the insertion of 550 cows was delayed from the end of November 2009 to
the  beginning of 2010, which has entailed a  lower earning of milk. At the same
time,  an expected increase in December in  the milk price failed to happen. The
negative  effect  of  these  conditions  is  a  lesser  revenue of DKK 3 million
compared to the expectations.
·  Regardless of the  increases in the  milk prices, which  were realised in the
early  autumn, the market value of cattle has continued to decrease. The company
expected  an increase in the  stock value of DKK  3 million in Q4, but the price
movement  has entailed  that the  stock has  been depreciated with DKK 1 million
instead.  The total effect is  therefore DKK 4 million less  in stock value than
·  The final closing  and completion statement  of the land  sale in Romania, as
informed  in  company  announcement  13/2009, gave  a  lower  profit.  This,  in
combination with a little higher cost, has a negative effect of DKK 4 million.
·  With the  mentioned conditions,  FirstFarms adjusts  the previously announced
expectations  to the results in the Q3-report downwards with DKK 22 million to a
turnover  of DKK 73-75 million, and EBIT result of  DKK -33 to -35 million and a
pre-tax result of DKK -39 to -41 million.

The Board of Directors considers the expected result very dissatisfactory.

Billund, 18 February 2010

Best regards,
FirstFarms A/S

For further information:
Please visit our website <> or
contact the Chairman
of the Board of Directors, Mr. Henrik Hougaard on telephone +45 40 53 62 48.



Adjusting downwards the expectations to 2009.pdf