IC Companys A/S - Interim Report H1 2009/10


IC Companys A/S - Interim Report H1 2009/10

Consolidated revenue for Q2 2009/10 was unchanged compared to the corresponding
period last year. Total revenue for H1 2009/10 decreased by 9% to DKK 1,865
million. The negative trend experienced in the Group's retail channel for Q1
2009/10 has been succeeded by an increase in Q2 2009/10 while the decline in the
wholesale channel has been limited. This development contributed positively to
the consolidated operating profit which amounted to DKK 263 million
corresponding to an EBIT margin of 14.1%

The Board of Directors of IC Companys A/S has approved the consolidated interim
report for the period 1 July - 31 December 2009 at a Board Meeting held on 22
February 2010.

  * Consolidated revenue for H1 2009/10 amounted to DKK 1,865 million (DKK
    2,052 million) which corresponds to a 9% setback. However, revenue for Q2
    2009/10 was unchanged compared to the corresponding period last year.
  * Gross profit amounted to DKK 1,157 million (DKK 1,222 million) which
    corresponds to an increase in the gross margin of 2.5 percentage point to
    62.0%. The positive trend seen in Q1 thereby continued in Q2 2009/10.
  * Capacity costs amounted to DKK 894 million (DKK 1,019 million) which is
    equal to a 12% reduction. This corresponds to a cost rate of 47.9% (49.7%).
  * Operating profit amounted to DKK 263 million (DKK 202 million) which
    represents an increase in the EBIT margin of 4.2 percentage point to 14.1%.
    Operating profit for Q2 2009/10 amounted to DKK 42 million (loss of DKK 28
  * Order intake for the summer collection 2010 has been completed and recorded
    a 1% improvement measured in local currencies and a setback of 4% in
    reporting currency.

Upward revision of outlook for 2009/10

  * Given the current market situation, uncertainty still dominates the outlook
    for the remainder of the financial year, however, the initiatives launched
    by the Executive Board to counter decreasing activities experienced in
    2008/09 have been realised faster than expected. Inventories have been
    reduced and the discounts are smaller. Seen in light of the above, the Group
    expects to generate revenues in the region of DKK 3,400 - 3,500 million
    (previous estimate of DKK 3,300 - 3,400 million) and an operating profit in
    the region of DKK 220 - 270 million (previous estimate of DKK 150 - 200
    million) for the financial year 2009/10.
  * The two tax cases, which involved IC Companys and the tax authorities in
    Denmark and Germany, were settled and resulted in an improvement by DKK 30
    million to the consolidated profit after financial items and tax.
  *  Investments in the region of DKK 100 - 120 million are expected to be
    maintained, primarily for an expansion of the distribution and sales
    promoting improvements of the IT platform.

Further information

Chris Bigler
Chief Executive
Officer                                                             Chief
Financial Officer
Phone: +45 3266 7721
Phone: +45 3266 7017



H1 200910.pdf