TDC A/S' Annual General Meeting 2010

Today, TDC A/S' General Meeting passed the following resolutions:

•	Approval of the Company's Annual Report 2009.

•	Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee from their
obligations in respect of the Annual Report. 

•	Approval of the Board of Directors' proposal regarding allocation of profit.
No dividend will be paid. 

•	The following amendments to the Company's Articles of Association were

-	The nominal share value as stated in article 4(2) of the Articles of
Association will be changed as of 10 May 2010 from DKK 5 to DKK 1, and the
voting rules in article 10(2) of the Articles of Association will also be
changed as of 10 May 2010 so that each share of nominal DKK 1 will have one

-	In Article 5(4) and 10(1) of the Articles of Association “Danish Securities
Centre” was changed to “VP Securities A/S”. 

-	Article 14(1) was amended so that the number of members of the Board of
Directors is changed from "three to eight" to "three to ten". 

-	Article 14(3) was amended so that the number of alternates for the members of
the Board of Directors is changed from "three to eight" to "three to ten". 

-	Article 16(1) was amended so that the number of members of the Executive
Committee is changed from "two to seven" to "two to eight". With this amendment
of the Articles of Association the Board of Directors' nomination of Martin
Lippert as member of the executive committee, as described in TDC's release 9
of 23 October 2009, will been completed. 

•	The following members of the Board of Directors were re-elected: Vagn
Sørensen, Pierre Danon, Kurt Björklund, Lawrence Guffey, Oliver Haarmann, 
Gustavo Schwed and Andrew Sillitoe. Furthermore, Søren Thorup Sørensen and Lars
Rasmussen were elected as a member of the Board of Directors. 

The following alternates were re-elected: Ola Nordquist for Kurt Björklund, Jan
Nielsen for Lawrence Guffey, Henrik Kraft for Oliver Haarmann, Gabriele
Cipparrone for Andrew Sillitoe. Bruno Mourgue d'Algue was elected as alternate
for Gustavo Schwed. 

In addition to the members elected by the General Meeting, the Board of
Directors also consists of 4 members elected by the employees. These are Jan
Bardino, Leif Hartmann, Steen M. Jacobsen and Bo Magnussen. 

•	PricewaterhouseCoopers was re-elected as auditor.

At a board meeting held in immediate continuation of the General Meeting, the
Board of Directors constituted itself with Vagn Sørensen as Chairman and Pierre
Danon as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. 

Søren Thorup Sørensen was appointed chairman of the audit committee that
further consists of Lawrence Guffey, Vagn Sørensen and Andrew Sillitoe. Lars
Rasmussen replaces Kurt Björklund on the compensation committee. 

Teglholmsgade 1-3
0900 Copenhagen C


release 05-2010 agm  brsmeddelelse beslutninger-uk.pdf