Regular Shareholders' Meeting of JSC “Ventspils nafta” - April 28, 2010

Notification on Convocation of  Regular Shareholders' Meeting of joint stock
company “Ventspils nafta” 
The Management Board of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” (unified reg. No.
50003003091, legal address: Ostas Street 23, Ventspils, LV-3601) announces that
regular shareholders' meeting of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” will
take place on April 28, 2010 at 10.00 a.m. at the “Hotel de Rome”, at Kaļķu
Street 28, Riga 
1.       Approval of annual reports for 2009.
2.       Utilization of profit of 2009.
3.       Election of auditor for audit of annual reports for 2010.
4.       Amendments to the Articles of Association.
5.       Election of Audit Committee.
6.       Dismissal of members of the Supervisory Council of joint stock company
“Ventspils nafta”: Aleksejs Ovods, Mārtiņš Kvēps, Valērijs Godunovs, Oļegs
Stepanovs and Gatis Grāvītis. 
7.       Election of new members of the Supervisory Council of joint stock
company “Ventspils nafta”. 
Issues No.6 and No.7 on the agenda have been included upon request No. of the shareholder JSC “Latvijas Naftas Tranzīts” dated 24.02.2010. 
Shareholders' registration will be open from 09.45 a.m. until 10.00 a.m. on the
day of the meeting - April 28, 2010 - at the venue of the meeting. 
The record date for participation of shareholders at the regular shareholders'
meeting of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” is April 20, 2010. Only those
persons who are shareholders on the record date with the amount of the shares
they own on the record date have rights to participate at the regular
shareholders' meeting of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” on April 28,
Shareholders have rights to participate in the meeting in person or by
mediation of their legal representatives or authorized persons: 
·         upon registration, shareholders shall present a passport or other
personal identification document; 
·         upon registration, representatives and authorized persons of
shareholdersshall present a passport or other personal identification document,
and shall submit written power of attorney of the represented shareholder (form
of a written power of attorney is also available on website of joint stock
company “Ventspils nafta”, or legal representatives shall
present a document certifying the authorisation. 
Shareholders of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” shall inform the
Management Board of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” about the
representatives and authorised persons of shareholders who will participate in
the shareholders' meeting, by submitting copies of the powers of attorney or
documents certifying the authorisation at least 5 (five) days before the day of
shareholders' meeting. Shareholders shall submit the aforementioned information
and copies of the documents to the premises of joint stock company “Ventspils
nafta”, at Vaļņu Street 3, Riga, by notifying on the previous day by phone
number +371 67715910. 
Rights of shareholders in accordance with the procedure and scope established
in Section 274 Paragraph 2 and Section 276 Paragraph 3 of the Commercial Law,
Section 542 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Financial Instruments Market Law may be
exercised within seven days as from distribution of this notification and on
the day of the shareholders' meeting, whereas rights in accordance with the
procedure and scope established in Section 276 Paragraph 4 and Section 283
Paragraph 1 can be exercised at least seven days before the shareholders'
meeting and on the day of the shareholders' meeting. Detailed information on
the abovementioned shareholders' rights is available on website of joint stock
company “Ventspils nafta” 
Shareholders of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” can familiarize with
draft resolutions of issues to be addressed at the shareholders' meeting
starting from April 14, 2010 until April 27, 2010 at the premises of joint
stock company “Ventspils nafta”, at Vaļņu Street 3, Riga, on business days from
2.00 p.m. until 4.00 p.m., by notifying on the previous day by phone number
+371 67715910, and on the day of shareholders' meeting - at the place of
registration, as well as these will be available on the website of joint stock
company “Ventspils nafta” 
Information on the shareholders' meeting is available on website of joint stock
company “Ventspils nafta” 
The Management Board of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” informs that
according to the company's Articles of Association, the total amount of shares
with voting rights of joint stock company “Ventspils nafta” is 104,479,519. 

Management Board of joint stock company“Ventspils nafta”

For more information:
Zane Bojāre
JSC Ventspils nafta PR Manager
Phone.: 67821691; 29706733