Listing of certificate issued by Svenska Handelsbanken AB (44/10)

Listing of certificate issued by Svenska Handelsbanken AB
As from March 22nd, 2010, one certificate issued by Svenska Handelsbanken AB
will be included on the list for certificates. The instrument has been
registered at Euroclear Sweden AB. 

Issuer:	Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ)
Type of security: 	Call Certificate of European type
Execution:	Automatic cash settlement on expiry 
Term:	As from March 22nd, 2010 to expiry date
Market Maker:	Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ)

Contacts for the above information: Anders Nicander, +46 8 701 83 95 

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Jonas
Aldén or Eva Norling, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or 


shb certificates 100322.xls shb_certificates_100322.pdf