Notice on the convocation of an ordinary general meeting of shareholders of joint stock company Pramprojektas

The ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the joint stock company
Pramprojektas (registered at K.Donelaičio st. 60, LT-44248 Kaunas,  enterprise
code 133873358) is convened on the initiative and decision of the Board of the
joint stock company Pramprojektas. The meeting will take place on 15th  April
2010 at 14:00  in the conference hall of the company at K.Donelaičio st. 60,
Kaunas. Registration of the shareholders starts at 13:00. 
The agenda of the meeting is as follows:
1.	Annual report of the company's activity for the year 2009.
2.	Conclusion of the auditor of the company.
3.	Approval of the company's financial statement for the year 2009.
4.	Distribution of the company's profit (loss) for the year  2009.
5.	Election of the Supervisory Board.
6.	Delisting of the company's shares from AB NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Stock Exchange
Secondary List. 
7.	 Cancellation of the public offering of the company's shares.
8.	Approval of the person who will announce mandatory tender offer.
9.	Election of the company's auditor, determination of payment conditions. 
The record date for participation at the annual shareholders' meeting is 8th
April 2010. Only those persons   who are shareholders on the record date with
the amount of the shares they own on the record date have rights to participate
and vote at the annual shareholders' meeting. 
The record date of rights is 29th April 2010. Property rights  are possessed by
persons which are shareholders at the end of the 10th work day after the
shareholders' meeting that issued appropriate decision took place. 
The company makes no possibilities to participate and vote at the meeting using
electronic communication means. 

The shareholders, whos owned shares represent at least 1/20 of the total votes,
have a right to propose additional items to be included in the agenda of the
meeting. The shareholders, who propose to include additional items in the
agenda of the shareholders meeting, are obliged to  submit the draft resolution
on the items that are proposed by them for  inclusion in the agenda, or
explanation on the issues where no resolution is planned to be adopted. The
proposals to include additional items must be released in written form by
sending the registered letter by post or delivering at the company's office
K.Donelaičio str. 60, LT-44248 Kaunas (2 floor). The agenda is supplemented
when the proposal is received  at least 14 days before the meeting. 

The shareholders,  whos owned shares represent at least 1/20 of the total
votes, have a right to submit in written form draft resolutions on issues
included in the  agenda of the shareholders' meeting before or during the
meeting, additional candidates to the company's body members or company of
auditors. Draft resolutions must be submitted in written form by sending the
registered letter by post or delivering at the company's office K.Donelaičio
st. 60, LT-44248 Kaunas (2 floor). 

The shareholders have a right to submit in advance written requests concerning
items of the agenda of the general shareholders' meeting. Requisitions must be
submitted by sending the registered letter by post, sending by e-mail or delivering at the company's office not later than 3
working days before the general shareholders' meeting. 

A person participating in the general shareholders' meeting must present the
personal identification document.  Each shareholder has a right to  authorize
in manner prescribed by law other person to participate and vote on his behalf
at the meeting. An authorized person has the same rights at the general
shareholders' meeting as the person he represents. An authorized person must
submit a letter of attorney  certified in manner prescribed by law . 

A shareholder or an authorized person has a right to vote in advance  in
written form by filling in the general ballot. If a shareholder wishes, the
company not later than 10 days before the general shareholders' meeting sends
by free of charge registered letter a  general ballot. A properly filled
general ballot and a document confirming rights to vote must be submitted to
the company in written form not later than on the last working day before the
meeting, by sending it in a registered letter by post or delivering at the
company's office at above mentioned address. 

Documents concerning the convocation and the agenda of meeting and draft
resolutions on each item of the agenda are available on website of the company: 

The Board of The Joint Stock Company Pramprojektas