Geveko's Swedish Annual Report 2009 released

Geveko's Swedish Annual Report for 2009 is published on The
printed version of the annual report will be distributed by post to shareholders
beginning of April. The English version will be published beginning of April.

In the CEO review Hans Ljungkvist points out that Geveko's overall strategic
goal is to consolidate and strengthen its position of market leadership in road
marking in Europe.

-"During the past three to five years we have focused on strengthening our
position on the important Nordic domestic market and also on achieving positions
of market leadership on fast-growing markets in Central and Eastern Europe. This
has largely been achieved via the 10 or so acquisitions we have made since
2004. Geveko now has a comprehensive contracting business extending from the
Nordic countries in the north to the Black Sea in the south. There is no other
company in the industry that can match Geveko's breadth and coverage in terms of
product range and geographically."

 -"The Group is now moving into a development phase in which the focus will
shift from growth via acquisition to consolidation of achieved positions. New
businesses will be integrated into the business- and market-oriented
organisational structure that was introduced in 2009. We will take the fullest
advantage of our positions as distribution channels for our products, such as
prefabricated symbols and environmentally friendly products, thereby generating
further economies of scale and synergies."

 The Annual Report can be ordered on <> or
by phone +46 31 172945 or e-mail:


Göteborg, Sweden March 22, 2010


This information is such that Geveko must disclose in accordance with the
Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication on March
22, 2010 at 10.40 am.

AB GEVEKO (plc) Reg. no.: 556024-6844

Box 2137, 403 13 Göteborg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 172945,
<> www.geveko.c <>om



Press release PDF.pdf