Mr Tomas Landeström resigns from the Geveko board

Mr Tomas Landeström who earlier informed that he will resign from his assignment
as board member of the Geveko board at the Annual General Meeting April
26, 2010 has today informed that he will resign from the board with immediate
effect.Tomas Landeström will not be able to fulfil his assignment as board
member because of ill-health.

The Nomination Committee's intention is to propose a candidate for election by
the Annual General Meeting.The nomination will be announced in a pressrelease
and on the company's website.

Göteborg, Sweden March 23, 2010

For further information
Mr Hans Ljungkvist, Managing Director and CEO
Phone +46 31 172945
Mobile +46 705 371110

The information in this pressrelease is such that AB Geveko is required to
publish under the terms of the Securities Market Act and/or the Act concerning
Trading in Financial Instruments.The information was released for publication at
15.15 p.m. on 23 March 2010.

AB GEVEKO (plc) 556024-6844
P.O. Box 2137, SE-403 13 Göteborg, Sweden,  Phone +46 31 172945 <> <>



Press release PDF.pdf