No. 7 Issue of options to the Executive Board and Management Team

In 2006, the Supervisory Board established an incentive scheme for the Executive
Board of Solar A/S and in 2008, for the Management Team in the Solar Group. The 
scheme is based on options that entitle the holder to buy shares from the       
company's holding of treasury shares. The reason for introducing the scheme was 
to seek to bind employees closer to the group as well as to establish a share   
price-dependent incentive for participants, thus enhancing agreement between the
interests of shareholders and participants. As at 31 December 2009, share       
options outstanding totalled 112,799.                                           

The Supervisory Board will also issue options to the Executive Board and        
Management Team in 2010. The exercise price is fixed at DKK 370.04 based on the 
average price on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen for the first 10 business days after     
publication of Annual Report 2009. 26,088 options will be issued in 2010.       

The market value of the issued options has now been determined at € 0.4m. Market
value is calculated in accordance with the Black-Scholes model with a volatility
of 41% (calculation based on the past 36 months), an interest-rate level of 5%  
and a share price of DKK 378.96, and it is assumed that the issued options will 
be exercised in March 2013. The measurement takes into consideration future     
dividend distribution corresponding to 3% of the share price.                   

Yours faithfully,                                                               
Solar A/S                                                                       

Flemming H. Tomdrup

