No. 8 Change in management in Solar Deutschland GmbH

Today, we have made agreement with CED Hilmar Bartels for his resignation from  
Solar Deutschland GmbH. We want to take this opportunity to thank him for the   
great efforts that he has made throughout his employment with Solar.            

As of today, Jens Andersen has been appointed temporary CED. Jens is 41 years   
old and joined Solar Denmark A/S in 1998, as Finance and Supply Chain Director. 
During his 12 years with Solar, Jens Andersen has gained great insight into     
wholesaling and has extensive knowledge of both customers and suppliers. Jens   
Andersen will work together with the German management team to continue work on 
implementing Solar's strategy ”#1 in Technical Wholesale”.                      

We expect to have appointed a new CED by the end of 2010 who will be able to    
continue work on developing and expanding Solar Deutschland GmbH.               

Yours faithfully,                                                               
Solar A/S                                                                       

Flemming H. Tomdrup

