CORRECTION: Changes in AS Tallinna Vesi management board

NB! David Hetherington worked at Tallinna Vesi for 3,5 years, not seven.
NB! David Hetherington's resignation date is 18th of April 2010, Bob Yuille
will officially be appointed as COO and Board Member on 19th of April 2010. 

Corrected announcement follows: 

AS Tallinna Vesi management board member and chief operating officer David
Nigel Hetherington is resigning from the Company's management board and will be
replaced by Robert Yuille, who will also be assuming the role of chief
operating officer of AS Tallinna Vesi. 

AS Tallinna Vesi's chairman of the management board Ian Plenderleith said that
David has left behind a considerable legacy at Tallinn's water company. „During
his 3.5 years of service at Tallinna Vesi David has overseen the rebuilding
of the company's operating division to deliver excellent product and service
quality results,“ said Plenderleith. „The entire company extends it gratitude
to David and his team for achieving drinking water quality at its all-time
best,“ he added. 

David Hetherington's role will be taken over by Robert Yuille, an Englishman
who has spent over 30 years working for United Utilities and recently 7 years
working for Sofia Water in Bulgaria. Robert holds a BSc Hons degree in Applied
Chemistry from Stockport College and also a Masters Degree in Business
Administration from Lancaster University. He does not own any shares in AS
Tallinna Vesi. His CV is attached.

David Hetherington's resignation date is 18th of April 2010, Bob Yuille will
officially be appointed as COO and Board Member on 19th of April 2010. 

Priit Koff
Head of Communications
AS Tallinna Vesi
+372 6 262 209