Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2010

Press Release March 26, 2010

Swedbank's Annual General Meeting 2010

Today´s Annual General Meeting of Swedbank elected three new board members; Lars
Idermark, Göran Hedman and Siv Svensson. Lars Idermark was appointed Chair of
the Board at the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting further resolved to re-elect the board members Ulrika
Francke, Berith Hägglund-Marcus, Anders Igel, Helle Kruse Nielsen, Pia
Rudengren, Anders Sundström and Karl Henrik Sundström.  

The Board´s statutory meeting immediately following the AGM appointed Anders
Sundström as Deputy Chair. It was also decided that the risk and capital
committee comprises Lars Idermark, Chair, Ulrika Francke, Göran Hedman, Pia
Rudengren and Anders Sundström. 

The audit and compliance committee comprises Ulrika Francke, Chair, Berith
Hägglund-Marcus, Karl-Henrik Sundström and Siv Svensson and the remuneration
committee comprises Lars Idermark, Chair, Anders Igel, Helle Kruse Nielsen and
Anders Sundström.

It was decided at the Annual General Meeting that no dividend was to be
distributed to shareholders for the financial year 2009. 

Other decisions 
The Annual General Meeting also resolved, in accordance with the Board´s
proposal, to allow the bank, until the next Annual General Meeting 2011, to
acquire at any given time in its securities operations, to facilitate these
operations, up to 1 percent of the bank´s shares. The price of acquired shares
should represent the current market price at the time when purchased 

The Annual General Meeting decided on the guidelines for the Nomination
Committee ahead of next year´s Annual General Meeting. The bank will announce
the names of the members of the committee not later than six months before the
next Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting also decided on
guidelines regarding remuneration policy for Swedbank top executives. 

A transcription and web cast of Michael Wolf´s presentations at today´s Annual
General Meeting will be available on Swedbank´s website: www.swedbank.se/ir 

Further information, please contact:
Lars Idermark, Chair of the Board of Directors, telephone, +46 8-743 26 70
Michael Wolf, CEO, telephone +46 8 585 927 66 
Thomas Backteman, Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs, telephone +46 70
831 11 66

Swedbank's vision is to be the leading financial institution in the markets
where we are present. Swedbank has 9.5 million retail customers and 550,000
corporate customers with 381 branches in Sweden, 226 branches in the Baltic
countries and another 156 branches in Ukraine. The group is also present in
Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, Luxembourg, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Shanghai,
S:t Petersburg and Tokyo. As of December 31 2009 the group had total assets of
SEK 1,795 billion and approximately 19,000 employees. For more information about
Swedbank, please visit www.swedbank.com

