Spar Nord FormueInvest, changes in capital, merger and change of ISIN

|                                      |             Copenhagen, 29 March 2010 |

Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S - reduction of face value, reduction of share capital
followed by a admittance to trading and official listing of new shares due the  
merger between Spar Nord FormueInvest and Kapitalpleje A/S - new ISIN in Spar   
Nord FormueInvest                                                               

On general meetings on 23 March 2010 in Spar Nord FormueInvest A/S it was       
adopted to reduce the face value of each share from DKK 100 to 10 DKK. Further, 
it was adopted to reduce the company's share capital.                           

On general meetings on 23 Mach 2010 and 24 March 2010 in Spar Nord FormueInvest 
and Kapitalpleje the merger between Spar Nord FormueInvest and Kapitalpleje was 
adopted. Spar Nord FormueInvest is the continuing company. Due to the merger the
share capital in Spar Nord FormueInvest will be increased.                      

The changes in the share capital of Spar Nord FormueInvest will take effect on  
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S as per 6 April 2010. As a consequence of the          
transaction Spar Nord FormueInvest will change ISIN from DK0010309574 to        

Thus, last day of trading shares in the discontinuing ISIN (DK0010309574) will  
be 31 March 2010.                                                               

As a consequence of the merger, Kapitalpleje A/S will be delisted from trading  
and official listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen. Please see separate exchange     
notice about the delisting.                                                     

For further information, please see announcements and the merger documents.     

Spar Nord FormueInvest as per 6 April 2010:                                     
| ISIN:                               | DK0060219210                           |
| Name:                               | Spar Nord FormueInvest                 |
| Volume before change of face value: | 4,000,000 shares each bearing a face   |
|                                     | value of DKK 100 (DKK 400,000,000)     |
| Volume after change of face value:  | 400,000,000 shares each bearing a face |
|                                     | value of DKK 1 (DKK 400,000,000)       |
| Reduction:                          | DKK 224,600,000                        |
| Volume after reduction and new face | 175,400,000 shares each bearing a face |
| value:                              | value of DKK 1 (DKK 175,400,000)       |
| Change due to merger:               | 72,036,000 shares (DKK 72,036,000)     |
| Volume after merger:                | 247,436,000 shares (DKK 247,436,000)   |
| Face value:                         | DKK 1                                  |
| Short Name:                         | SPNFI                                  |
| Orderbook ID:                       | 28750                                  |

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


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