Decisions of the Tiimari Plc AGM and the board's organising meeting held 30th March 2010

TIIMARI PLC         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 30 MARCH 2010 at 16.30               

MEETING HELD 30TH MARCH 2010                                                

The Annual General Meeting of Tiimari Plc held today approved the financial     
statements for 2009 and discharged the members of the Board and the Managing    
Director from liability. The Meeting decided in accordance to the proposal by   
the Board, that the period loss of -12.565.636,92 is to be booked as retained   
earnings and that no divided is distributed.                                    

The board was decided to include six members. Hannu Ryöppönen, Sven-Olof        
Kulldorff, Juha Mikkonen, Markku Pelkonen, Alexander Rosenlew were elected as   
board members and Managing Director Sissi Silvàn was elected as a new member of 
the Board.                                                                      

The board compensation was decided as follows.                                  
- Chairman of the Board EUR 2.400 per month 
- Vice Chairman EUR 1.800 per month 
- Other board members EUR 1.200 month 
- Other compensation for board committee meetings EUR 100 per meeting 
Travel and lodging expenses were decided to be compensated according to the     
Company's expense compensation policy.                                          

KPMG Ltd. was elected to continue as Group Auditor, which named Sixten Nyman APA
as auditor with main responsibility. The auditor fees were decided to be paid   
according to a reasonable invoice by the auditor.                               

The Meeting authorised the Board to decide on the repurchase of a maximum of    
500.000 own shares. The shares can be obtained by using the unrestricted equity 
in derogation to the pre-emptive rights of the shareholders in public trading   
organised by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. at market price. Shares can be obtained in
order to develop the Company's capital structure, to be used in company         
acquisitions or other business development related arrangements, finance        
investments, to be used for execution of commitment and incentive programs for  
the personnel or otherwise to be kept by the Company, redistributed or annulled 
in a way and extent decided by the Board.                                       

The Meeting decided in accordance to the proposal by the Board to change the 9th
paragraph of the Articles of Association to comply with the requirements related
to the announcement timetable of the notice to the general meeting in the       
Finnish Companies Act. The notice to the general meeting must be announced at   
least three weeks before the Meeting and nine days before the record date of the

The Board elected Mr. Hannu Ryöppönen as its chairman and Mr. Juha Mikkonen as  
vice chairman in its organising meeting held after the general meeting. Mr.     
Hannu Ryöppönen was elected chairman of the nomination and compensation         
committee and Mr. Alexander Rosenlew and Mr. Juha Mikkonen as members. Mr. Juha 
Mikkonen was elected chairman of the audit committee and Mr. Hannu Ryöppönen and
Mrs. Sissi Silvàn as members.                                                   

Helsinki 30 October 2010                                                        

TIIMARI PLC                                                                     

Further information: CEO Hannu Krook                                            
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail:                          

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of two retail shop concepts:
Tiimari and Gallerix. These two concepts do business in five countries within   
the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300 shops. Both concepts  
belong to the forerunners of their market segment.