Increase in the total number of registered shares and votes in Arise Windpower AB (publ)

Halmstad 31 March 2010                                                          
Press release  
Increase in the total number of registered shares and votes in Arise Windpower  
AB (publ)   
After the new issue of 10,000,000 shares, which was carried out in connection   
with the initial public offering, was registered with the Swedish Companies     
Registration Office on 30 March 2010, the total number of registered shares and 
votes in Arise Windpower AB (publ) (“Arise”) has increased according to the     

Total number of registered shares and votes in Arise before the registration of 
the new share issue:                                                            
21,561,070 shares representing 21,561,070 votes.                                

Total number of registered shares and votes in Arise after the registration of  
the new share issue:                                                            
31,561,070 shares representing 31,561,070 votes.                                

Following registration of the new issue, ABG Sundal Collier AB will redeliver   
shares to the shareholders that have lent shares in order to facilitate delivery
of shares in connection with the initial public offering prior to the           
registration of the new issue with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. In
connection herewith, PLU Energy Holding AB (“PLU”), a company controlled by     
Arise's founders Peter Nygren, Leif Jansson and Ulf Corné, will receive in total
1,511,057 shares. Due to the redelivery of shares, PLU will issue a notification
regarding changes in major shareholdings in order to make it public that PLU's  
ownership has changed meaning that PLU, directly and indirectly, controls       
2,053,000 shares in Arise corresponding to 6.50 per cent of the shares and votes
in Arise following the new issue. In connection with the initial public         
offering, PLU has lent additionally 1,609,500 shares to ABG Sundal Collier AB.  
These shares will be redelivered during April 2010. When all shares have been   
redelivered, PLU will, directly and indirectly, control in total 3,662,500      
shares in Arise, corresponding to 11.60 per cent of the shares and votes in     
Arise following the new issue.                                                  

For further information please contact:                                         
Peter Nygren, CEO Arise Windpower AB                                            
+46 706 300 680                                                                                                          

Bo Rydlinger, IR Arise Windpower AB                                             
+46 703 300 853                                                        

