Finnair's scheduled passenger traffic grows

Finnair's traffic is picking up. Growth is coming from scheduled traffic and    
particularly from outside Finland. Scheduled traffic grew in March by 19 per    
cent compared with March last year. The passenger load factor of scheduled      
flights rose by more than 12 percentage points. In January-March the average    
yield per passenger kilometre in scheduled traffic was 7 per cent lower than    
last year.                                                                      

"The focus of business travel demand has shifted to outside of Finland.         
Long-haul traffic business class sales in particular are clearly better than    
before. The price level of flight tickets is still low, however," says Finnair's
SVP Communications Christer Haglund.                                            

Finnair traffic overall only grew by a little less than 2 per cent, because     
leisure flight demand has declined by more than 30 per cent. Scheduled flights  
carried 600,000 passengers, which is 10 per cent more than a year earlier. The  
number of passengers carried on all traffic in March was nearly 700,000.        

Asian traffic grew in March by 27 per cent. A total of 114,000 passengers       
travelled on Asian flights. The load factor in Asia traffic was also good in    
March, at nearly 87 per cent. The passenger load factor for all traffic was 80  
per cent.                                                                       

"Due to successful capacity management, Finnair's aircraft are flying fuller    
than before. Improving the load factor by 12 percentage points is exceptional," 
explains Haglund.                                                               

North American traffic grew by nearly 25 per cent and European traffic by 11 per
cent. The load factor on North American flights was 85 per cent and in European 
traffic 70 per cent.                                                            

In domestic traffic, Finnair has reduced its capacity according to plan. In     
March domestic traffic declined by more than 4 per cent and capacity was cut by 
12 per cent.                                                                    

Leisure traffic declined in March by 31 per cent, but the load factor was kept  
at 89 per cent through 33 per cent capacity cuts.                               

The amount of cargo carried on scheduled flights grew in March by 24 per cent.  
On Asian flights, cargo carried was 30 per cent more than last year.            

Of Finnair's scheduled flights in March, nearly 84 per cent arrived on schedule,
which is slightly more than 7 percentage points less than last year. The        
punctuality of traffic overall declined by 6 percentage points to 82 per cent.  

TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE MARCH 2010, FINANCIAL YEAR 2010                             

|                                  |   March | %-CHANGE | January-Ma | %-CHANG |
|                                  |    2010 |          |     rch 10 |       E |
| TOTAL TRAFFIC                    |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   684,3 |      2,4 |    1 839,1 |    -2,7 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   | 2 299,3 |     -9,3 |    6 560,2 |   -11,5 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     | 1 871,0 |      1,8 |    5 251,2 |    -5,7 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    81,4 |    8,9 p |       80,0 |   4,9 p |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 9 255,5 |     22,4 |   24 957,6 |    23,4 |
| Available tonne-kilometres mill  |   325,8 |    -12,8 |      940,1 |   -14,9 |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill    |   222,1 |      7,8 |      617,5 |     1,1 |
| Overall load factor %            |    68,2 |   13,0 p |       65,7 |  10,4 p |
| SCHEDULED TOTAL                  |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   596,1 |      9,5 |    1 588,5 |     3,9 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   | 1 810,9 |      0,5 |    5 123,4 |    -2,7 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     | 1 437,6 |     19,1 |    3 927,4 |     7,3 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    79,4 |   12,4 p |       76,7 |   7,2 p |
| EUROPE                           |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   312,3 |     11,4 |      846,5 |     7,2 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   611,7 |     -4,7 |    1 728,6 |    -5,1 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |   429,1 |     10,8 |    1 155,2 |     6,2 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    70,1 |    9,8 p |       66,8 |   7,1 p |
| NORTH ATLANTIC                   |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    12,5 |     24,7 |       31,7 |    -0,1 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |    97,2 |     13,4 |      270,3 |     2,2 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    82,6 |     24,7 |      209,2 |    -0,1 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    85,0 |    7,7 p |       77,4 |  -1,8 p |
| ASIA                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   114,2 |     25,0 |      320,3 |     8,5 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   961,7 |      5,1 |    2 757,9 |    -0,4 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |   833,9 |     26,9 |    2 338,8 |    10,1 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    86,7 |   14,9 p |       84,8 |   8,0 p |
| DOMESTIC                         |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |   157,0 |     -3,3 |      390,0 |    -5,3 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   140,3 |    -11,8 |      366,7 |   -11,4 |
| Revenue pax-kilometres mill      |    92,0 |     -4,5 |      224,3 |    -5,9 |
| Passenger load factor %          |    65,6 |    5,0 p |       61,2 |   3,6 p |
| LEISURE TRAFFIC                  |         |          |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    88,2 |    -28,9 |      250,7 |   -30,6 |
| Available seat-kilometres mill   |   488,4 |    -33,5 |    1 436,8 |   -32,9 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |   433,5 |    -31,2 |    1 323,8 |   -30,6 |
| mill                             |         |          |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |    88,7 |    3,0 p |       92,1 |   3,1 p |
| CARGO TRAFFIC                    |         |          |            |         |
| Cargo scheduled traffic total    | 9 058,6 |     24,1 |   24 359,8 |    25,0 |
| tonnes                           |         |          |            |         |
| Europe tonnes                    | 1 753,0 |      3,1 |    4 695,6 |     3,9 |
| North Atlantic tonnes            |   777,3 |     67,2 |    1 959,1 |    31,0 |
| Asia tonnes                      | 6 300,7 |     30,5 |   17 087,7 |    34,4 |
| Domestic tonnes                  |   227,5 |    -25,4 |      617,4 |   -19,2 |
| Cargo leisure traffic tonnes     |   196,9 |     69,4 |      597,8 |    74,5 |
| Scheduled cargo charter tonnes   |     0,0 |   -100,0 |        0,0 |  -100,0 |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 9 255,5 |     22,4 |   24 957,6 |    23,4 |
| Available tonne-kilometres* mill |    71,6 |     -8,6 |      207,3 |   -11,7 |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill    |    54,5 |     31,3 |      146,9 |    31,4 |
| Cargo load factor* %             |    76,1 |   23,1 p |       70,9 |  23,3 p |
| - North-Atlantic cargo load      |   100,0 |   39,8 p |       90,1 |  26,7 p |
| factor* %                        |         |          |            |         |
| - Asia cargo load factor* %      |    88,3 |   21,8 p |       82,8 |  24,8 p |

- * Operational calculatory capacity                                            
- p = Percentage points                                                         
- Change %: Change compared to the figures of the previous year                 
- Revenue passenger kilometres: Number of revenue passengers carried, multiplied
by kilometres flown                                                             
- Available passenger kilometres: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown                                                  
- Available tonne kilometres: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of      
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplies by kilometres flown                      
- Cabin factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available passenger    
- Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne     

Next release on traffic statistics will be released on May 10, 2010.            

Finnair Oyj                                                                     
April 7, 2010                                                        

Additional information:                                                         
Mr. Lasse Heinonen. EVP & CFO. tel. +358 9 818 4950                             
Mr. Christer Haglund. SVP Corporate Communications. tel. +358 9 818 4007        
Mr. Taneli Hassinen. VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations. tel.   
+358 9 818 4976                                                                 
Mr. Petteri Kostermaa. VP Traffic Planning. tel. +358 9 818 8504