Opus Wins State of Idaho Contract for Vehicle Emission Inspection Program

Opus Prodox AB (publ) today announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary SysTech  
International, LLC, has been awarded a contract by the Idaho Department of      
Environmental Quality (DEQ) to design, implement and operate the State of Idaho 
vehicle emission inspection program. The program will first be extended to      
Canyon County and the city of Kuna, Idaho. Other counties may be included at a  
later date. The new contract requires that SysTech partners with twentytwo    
(22) local businesses as subcontractors and provides each one with a SysTech    
computerized emission inspection analyzer. SysTech will also provide a central  
computer Vehicle Inspection Database (VID) that will network the inspection   
stations and relevant government authorities for motor vehicle registration     
enforcement. Other services that SysTech will provide include: vehicle inspector
training and licensing; consumer waiver and referee service; station auditing;  
public information and education; and a customer service call center.           

“The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) completed a rigorous      
Request For Proposal (RFP) process for a contractor to plan and implement a     
turnkey basic vehicle emission testing program in Canyon County and Kuna Idaho.”
said Pete Wagner, Regional Administrator of the DEQ. “DEQ selected SysTech      
International, LLC because of their price, convenient testing locations for our 
citizens, and their expertise.”                                                 

SysTech will manufacture and deliver the emission inspection equipment and begin
all program operations in the initial program area on June 1, 2010.
Approximately 65,000 vehicle inspections will be performed each year in the new
biennial program. The contract allows for neighbouring Ada County (appr.120,000
annual inspections) and any other counties that do not meet EPA air quality
limits to join the program in the future. 

“We are proud that the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has chosen     
SysTech to be the State of Idaho vehicle inspection program manager.” said      
Lothar Geilen, CEO of SysTech. “This win continues to demonstrate that SysTech  
provides our government customers with the best service offerings in the        
industry. We will provide DEQ with a complete, professionally managed vehicle   
inspection program that is convenient to the public.”                           

The initial contract period is five years. Under the contract, SysTech will     
collect $10-11 per inspection and remit a portion to DEQ and the inspection   
station subcontractors.                                                         

This press info is available in Swedish at www.opus.se

For a video presentation of SysTech, please visit:                              

For additional information, please contact
Magnus Greko, President and CEO           
Phone: +46 31 748 34 91, +46 705 58 45 91 
E-mail: magnus@opus.se                    

Opus' Certified Adviser           
Thenberg & Kinde Fondkommission AB
Box 2108                          
SE-403 12 Gothenburg              
Phone: +46 31 745 50 00           
SysTech International, established in 1999, is part of the Opus Group and       
provides turnkey vehicle inspection program management services, including    
vehicle information databases, and advanced emission and safety test systems to 
various levels of government agencies (federal, state and regional) and to      
individual inspection stations. The Opus Group is in the business of developing,
producing and selling products and services within Automotive Test Equipment, 
Vehicle Inspection Systems and Fleet Management for the global market. The      
Group's products include emission analyzers, diagnostic equipment and automatic 
test lines. Services include management of mandatory vehicle inspection       
programs. The Group sells its products and services in more than 50 countries   
all over the world and currently employs around 150 persons. The turnover for   
2009 was approx. SEK 220 million. Opus' share is listed on First North Premier  
(NASDAQ OMX) under the ticker OPUS.


pm 2010-04-08 opus wins state of idaho contract for vehicle emission inspection program.pdf