Tilgin Annual Report 2009 - SE

Tilgin Annual Report 2009 - SE

Stockholm, Sweden, April 9 2009: Tilgin, a leading provider of solutions for
multiplay and next-generation broadband services, today publishes it's Annual
Report for 2009.

Click on the PDF-icon below to access or download Tilgin's Annual Report 2009
(low resolution) in its Swedish version. If you have trouble accessing the
electronic version or would like a copy of the high resoluted pdf-version,
please contact Tilgin's IR-department via email ir@tilgin.com, via phone +46 8
572 386 00, via mail Tilgin AB, Box 1240, 164 28 Kista, Sweden or via fax
+46-8-572 385 00 with attn. Katrin Buhre.

For further information, please contact:
Katrin Buhre, Investor Relations Manager, Tel: +46 8 572 386 86, Email:

About Tilgin 
Tilgin develops and delivers systems and software for the digitally connected
home. Using Tilgin's home gateways, gateway-based software and remote management
solutions for provisioning, broadband operators can offer next generation
broadband services. Tilgin's solutions are operator-managed, software intensive
and focused on next generation access. They enable operators to create new
revenue streams, strengthen their brand and increase subscribers' quality of
service. For the end-user the value lies in new broadband services and the
possibility to integrate all electronic devices in the home. With more than 30
customers in over ten countries Tilgin has a strong client base with a broad
international reach. Tilgin was founded in 1997 and is listed at NASDAQ OMX
Nordic Exchange i Stockholm. Tilgin is headquartered in Kista, Sweden, and the
company has a network of international sales channels. For more information,
please visit www.tilgin.com 

