Affitech A/S announces Annual Report for 2009

Release No 6/2010			

Affitech A/S announces Annual Report for 2009                                   

Copenhagen and Oslo, April 9th, 2010                                            
Affitech A/S, (Nasdaq OMX: AFFI), the antibody medicines company, today         
announced the publication of its Annual Report for 2009.  The Report summarises 
specific goals that the Company has set itself for undertaking the next phase of
its transformation into an internationally competitive antibody therapeutics    

The Annual Report can be downloaded from the Company's website at                                                                      

| For more information please contact:                                         |
|                                                                              |
| Affitech A/S:                                                                |
|                                                                              |
| Randi Krogsgaard                                                             |
| Tel # +45 2320 1001                                                          |

About Affitech A/S                                                              
Affitech AS is a publicly traded (NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen) therapeutic antibody   
company headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark with R&D facilities in Oslo,       
Norway. The company utilizes a range of proprietary antibody technologies for   
the discovery of therapeutic antibodies for application in oncology,            
inflammation and other disease areas. CBAS™ (Cell Based Antibody Selection) is  
Affitech A/S's premier technology platform for the isolation of lead antibodies 
to cell surface targets. Several of the Company's proprietary drug candidates   
were generated by CBAS™. Further information is available at  

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