Cybercom develops unique university portal

Cybercom develops unique university portal 

Just in time for university applications, Cybercom has developed Sweden's first
student portal for the Lund University School of Economics and Management.
Everything from admissions to alumni can be handled online using Live@Lund, the
portal that fully integrates daily interactions between 6,000 students and

“We're paving the way for the university sector,” says Allan Malm, dean of the
Lund University School of Economics and Management. “The student portal will
provide unprecedented opportunities for students, teachers and other staff
members — they will be able to handle just about everything via Live@Lund."

Teachers can transform course material into “podcasts” and interactive
e-learning modules. Lund's School of Economics will benefit from completely
integrated, user-friendly IT support for all courses, research work, and course

“Live@Lund is unique,” says Jonas Florin, project manager at Cybercom in Lund.
“Through it, students can handle their days over the net. It makes it easier to
follow students from admission to alumni. And it's a complete solution for
teachers and students to interact online.”

New is Cybercom's integration of all of the university's key data sources, which
provides students with access to their individual schedule, course results, and
university qualifications, as well as student e-mail, calendar and documents
through Google Apps, and all social media channels that students want to use.

“Together with Cybercom, we created a 'personalized web environment' for our
students and teachers," says Peter Jochumzen, project manager for Lund
University School of Economics.

The portal is being launched now, after Easter break. The School expects the
system to be in full use before the autumn semester begins. Live@Lund is based
on the flexible platform Microsoft SharePoint, and it integrates Google Apps.
Cybercom has already received inquiries from other universities to develop
similar portals.

“Interest in the academic world to create virtual learning environments is huge
right now," says Florin at Cybercom.

Find out more, contact:

Allan Malm, dean of Lund University School of Economics and Management +46 46 22
27 809 
Peter Jochumzen, project manager, Lund University School of Economics and
Management +46 70 24 92 479
Jonas Florin, project manager, Cybercom +46 708 25 96 40
Anna Trane, press and PR manager, Cybercom Group +46 708 84 74 69

About Cybercom 
The Cybercom Group is a high-tech consultancy that offers global sourcing for
end-to-end solutions. The Group established itself as a world-class supplier in
these segments: security, portal solutions, mobile services, and embedded
systems. Thanks to its extensive industry and operations experience, Cybercom
offers strategic and technological expertise to these markets: telecom,
industry, media, public sector, retail, and banking and financial services. The
Group employs 2,000 persons and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has 28 offices
in 11 countries. Since 1999, Cybercom's share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX
Nordic Exchange. The company was launched in 1995. Find out more at: 

