Swedbank appoints new head of Swedish banking and creates a new business area

Press Release April 14, 2010

Swedbank appoints new head of Swedish banking and creates a new business area

Swedbank has appointed Catrin Fransson as new head of Swedish banking (Retail).
Catrin Fransson currently holds the position as head of Customer Offerings &
Products as well as CEO of Swedbank Mortgage. She will take up her new position
May 1, 2010.

Catrin Fransson has worked for the bank since 1987 and has held a number of
leading positions including head of the northern region, and head of Swedbank's
branch office in southern Stockholm. She has also worked for more than 10 years
within Swedbank Markets with among other things large corporations and equity
analysis. She has also served as a branch, credit and corporate manager in
Sweden. Catrin Fransson sits on the Board of Swedbank's subsidiaries Swedbank
Finans and Swedbank Försäkring.
“With Catrin Fransson as new head of Retail, we get a manager with substantial
experience of Swedbank and all parts of our retail business. I am convinced that
Catrin in a great way will carry on our long heritage as the leading Swedish
bank for the many private individuals and the small enterprises,” Swedbank's CEO
Michael Wolf said.

Swedbank is also today announcing another organizational change: The creation of
a new business area, Group Business Support, which will gather all production
within one unit to maximize the production efficiency. The unit will be
responsible for the bank's products and production and will also include the
current Group IT, Group Cards, the product areas from the Swedish product unit
Customer Offerings & Products as well as the corresponding unit in the Baltic
countries, Baltic Development Division, and other areas. Group Business Support
will also have a functional responsibility for production within the business
area Large Corporates & Institutions as well as within the subsidiary Swedbank
Robur AB. The new organization will be implemented successively during autumn

The current head of Group IT, Christer Cragnell, also holds the position as
Swedbank's Chief Information Officer (CIO). He is in that role responsible for
IT strategy and will continue to report to Swedbank's CEO Michael Wolf. 

The bank has appointed Mikael Björknert as head of Group Business Support. He
most recently comes from a position as Head of Global Transaction Services at
SEB. Mikael has many years of experience from a number of leading international
positions within SEB, including head of Securities Services and Commercial
Banking. He has served on a number of internal boards within SEB and also sits
on external boards such as the Nasdaq OMX Nordic's Board of Directors. He will
take up his new position on August 1, 2010.

“With the creation of Group Business Support, we are laying the last piece of
the puzzle in the reorganization of Swedbank. We now have an organization in
place with clear responsibilities: The retail units in Sweden and in the Baltic
countries will focus on building long-term customer relationships through
strong, cost-efficient customer offerings while Large Corporate & Institutions
will focus on gathering the expertise and strengthening the customer offering as
well as capital efficiency and Group Business Support will ensure the
operational excellence of our production,” Michael Wolf said.

“With Mikael Björknert, we get a head of Group Business Support with long and
extensive experience of administrative business processes within the banking
sector, and I feel very comfortable that we now have a new team in place that
going forward will deliver on the goals that we have set for our operations,”
Michael Wolf said.

Catrin Fransson and Mikael Björknert will be members of Swedbank's Senior
Management and Group Executive Committee

Further information, please contact:
Michael Wolf, CEO and President, Swedbank, phone: +46 8-5859 00 00 
Thomas Backteman, Head of Corporate Affairs, Swedbank, phone: +46 708-311 116
Anna Sundblad, Group Press Manager, Swedbank, phone: +46 70-321 39 95

