Changed reporting date for Billerud

Changed reporting date for Billerud

Billerud has changed reporting date for the Interim Report January-September,
2010. The new reporting date is 29 October, 2010.

For further information please contact:
Bertil Carlsén, CFO, +46 8 553 335 07, +46 73 021 10 92
Sophie Arnius, Investor Relations Manager, +46 8 553 335 24, +46 70 590 80 72

The information is such that Billerud is obligated to publish under the Swedish
Securities Market Act. Submitted for publication at 10.30 a.m. on 14 April 2010.

Billerud's business concept is to offer demanding customers packaging materials
and solutions that promote and protect their products - packaging that is
attractive, strong and based on renewable materials. Billerud has a
world-leading position within several product segments including paper for
consumer packaging and industrial applications. Production takes place at three
integrated pulp and paper mills in Sweden and at one paper mill in the UK.

