SinterCast Annual General Meeting 20 May 2010

[Stockholm, 20 April 2010] - In advance of the SinterCast Annual General Meeting
(AGM)  2010, to be  held on  20 May 2010 at  15:00 at the  premises of the Royal
Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm, the
Nomination  Committee has  decided to  propose re-election  of the current Board
members.   Considering SinterCast's  current situation  and growth prospects and
the  current  Board's  background,  experience  and  competence,  the Nomination
Committee proposes re-election of Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist as Chairman, Aage
Figenschou  as Vice-Chairman and, Andrea Fessler,  Robert Dover and Steve Dawson
as ordinary Board members.

The Board of Directors propose to appoint the Nomination Committee consisting of
three  members  and  to  re-elect  members Lars Ahlström, currently SinterCast's
second  largest shareholder,  as a  representative of  large shareholders and as
Chairman  of the  Nomination Committee,  Torbjörn Nordberg,  with the mandate to
represent  small shareholders and, Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist, in her capacity
of       Chairman       of       the      Board      Directors.

The  Board of  Directors proposes,  for the  period until  the conclusion of the
Annual General Meeting held during the fourth financial year hence, to reappoint
PricewaterhouseCoopers.  Anna-Carin  Bjelkeby  will  be  appointed as auditor in
charge  by PricewaterhouseCoopers, replacing Liselott  Stenudd who has announced
her retirement.

The  Board of Directors also propose that the AGM authorise the Board to, on one
or  more  occasions  prior  to  the  next  AGM,  decide upon the acquisition and
disposal  of SinterCast shares such that the Company's shareholding at any given
time  shall not  exceed 10 percent  of the  total shares  in the Company, and to
transfer  the number of  SinterCast shares that  the company holds  at any given
time,  with a deviation from the  shareholders' pre-emptive rights.  The purpose
of  the authorisation is for the Company to be able to buy its own shares at any
given  time so as to  adapt the capital structure  of the company to the capital
requirements  and to be able to transfer shares in connection with the potential
acquisition  of a company or  business.  A valid resolution  requires that it is
supported by shareholders representing at least two thirds of the votes (shares)
registered at the AGM.

Shareholders  can register  to attend  the SinterCast  Annual General Meeting by
e-mail   at   the   dedicated  e-mail  address:
<>,  or by contacting  SinterCast by post,
fax  or telephone.  Documents related  to the AGM 2010 will  be available on the
SinterCast  website ( <>) from 6 May

Stockholm, 20 April 2010

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee

Dr. Steve Dawson

President & CEO

SinterCast AB (publ)

Tel:     +46 8 660 7750

e-mail: <>

Website: <>



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