Nordic Tankers A/S - private placement and rights issue, admission to trading and official listing of new shares and subscription rights

|                                      |             Copenhagen, 22 April 2010 |
Nordic Tankers A/S - private placement and rights issue, admission to trading   
and official listing of new shares and subscription rights                      

The share capital of Nordic Tankers A/S will be increased on NASDAQ OMX         
Copenhagen. The admittance to trading and official listing will take effect on  
23 April 2010 in the ISIN DK0060083996.                                         

| ISIN:                                 | DK0060083996                         |
| Name:                                 | Nordic Tankers                       |
| Volume before change:                 | 7,180,000 shares (DKK 71,800,000)    |
| Change:                               | 5,408,296 shares (DKK 54,082,960)    |
| Volume after change:                  | 12,588,296 shares (DKK 125,882,960)  |
| Subscription price, new shares:       | DKK 16.86                            |
| Face value:                           | DKK 10                               |
| Short name:                           | NORDIC                               |
| Orderbook ID:                         | 40696                                |

Rights issue:                                                                   
Subscription rights in Nordic Tankers will be admitted to trading and official  
listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per 23 April 2010. As at the same date, ISIN
DK0060083996 (NORDIC) will be traded exclusive of subscription rights.          

| ISIN:                                 | DK0060226850                         |
| Name:                                 | Nordic Tankers, T-ret                |
| Proportion:                           | 2:1. Shareholders in Nordic Tankers  |
|                                       | will have the right to subscribe for |
|                                       | 2 new shares for each existing share |
| Trade in subscription rights (both    | 23 April 2010 to 7 May 2010          |
| days included):                       |                                      |
| Short name:                           | NORDIC T                             |
| Orderbook ID:                         | 75237                                |

Nordic Tankers makes a rights issue of up to 25,176,592 new shares, each bearing
a face value of DKK 10 at a price of DKK 10. Subscription period: 28 April 2010 
to 12 May 2010, both days inclusive.                                            

Please note:                                                                    
New shares from the rights issue will be traded in the existing ISIN            
DK0060083996 after the registration of the new shares with the Danish Commerce  
and Companies Agency. The change is expected to be implemented on NASDAQ OMX    
Copenhagen per 21 May 2010.                                                     

For further information, please see the prospectus and announcements published  
by the company.                                                                 

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


nordic tankers - rettet  t-retter - uk.pdf