IT - CLICK XT - Order management during CLIN (45/10)

NASDAQ OMX has discovered a potential problem that could occur during the daily
Closing Call Auction for Index Futures in CLICK. Under certain circumstances,
altering an order during the Call Interaction Session State CLIN could
unintentionally affect the order characteristics. Therefore, all the
possibilities to change an order during CLIN will be disabled as of April 23,
2010, until the launch of Genium INET. 

During CLIN, alter order transactions will be rejected. The user must delete
the existing order and enter a new one and thereby lose time priority and
receive a new order number. 

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Gustaf
von Boisman or Mikael Siewertz telephone +46 8 405 6000. 

Best regards,

