Decisions of annual general meeting on April 22nd 2010

On April 22nd 2010 at 10.00 am the annual general meeting for Nordicom A/S,
CVR-no. 12 93 25 02, was held at Langebrogade 5, 1411 København K, with the

1. The board of directors' report on the company's activities over the last

2. Presentation of the annual report for adoption.

3. The board of directors' proposal for allocation of profit or coverage of
losses in accor-dance with the approved annual report. 

4. Following up the proposal from the extraordinary general meeting on March
22nd 2010 regarding a reduction of the company's capital by DKK 281,507,220 at
a price of DKK 100 by creating special provisions. The capital reduction shall
be implemented via a re-duction of the company's shares from a nominal value of
DKK 100 to a nominal value of DKK 10 per share. 

5. Following up the proposal from the extraordinary general meeting on March
22nd 2010 regarding authorization to the board of directors to increase capital
via a rights issue offered to shareholders at market price or on more
favourable terms. 

6. Following up the proposal from the extraordinary general meeting on March
22nd 2010 regarding (i) changing the amount in item 4 B from DKK 150,000,000.00
to DKK 70,000,000.00 and (ii) authorizing the board of directors to issue
convertible bonds of an amount of DKK 80,000,000.00 without pre-emptive rights
at market price and to carry out the related capital increase. 

7. Following up the proposal from the extraordinary general meeting on March
22nd 2010 to implement those changes to the company's articles of association
which are neces-sary as a consequence of normal updating based on the Danish
Companies Act, and which are otherwise wished for by the board of directors 

8. Consideration of the proposal from the board of directors to change the
number of board members from 3-5 to 3-6 members. 

9.  Election of members to the board of directors

10. Election of auditor

11. Authorization of the board of directors with right of substitution

12. A.O.B.


2010-04-22 - decisions of annual general meeting.pdf