Communiqué from the AGM of ElektronikGruppen BK AB (publ)

The Annual General Meeting of ElektronikGruppen was held on Tuesday, 27 April
2010, 5:00 p.m., at the company's head office at Grimstagatan 160 in Vällingby,

The AGM adopted the income statements and balance sheets of the Parent Company
and the Group and granted discharge from liability for the members of the Board
of Directors and the President for the financial year 2009. 

The AGM furthermore resolved in favour of the proposals of the Board and the
nominating committee 
• that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2009,
• to re-elect Kenneth Lindqvist, Thomas Wernhoff, Catharina Lagerstam and
Magnus Norman as regular Board members, 
• to appoint Kenneth Lindqvist as Chairman and Thomas Wernhoff as Vice Chairman,
• that Board fees be paid in a total amount of SEK 550,000, of which SEK
200,000 to the Chairman, SEK 150,000 to the Vice Chairman and SEK 100,000 to
each of the other Board members elected by the AGM, 
• that no special fees be paid for work on the Board's committees, 
• that fees the auditors be paid according to approved account,
• to approve the proposal for resolution regarding appointment of the new
nominating committee, and 
• to approve the proposal for resolution regarding guidelines for remuneration
to the executive management in 2010. 

The Board of Directors of ElektronikGruppen BK AB (publ)

For additional information contact
Kenneth Lindqvist, Chairman, ElektronikGruppen BK AB, telephone +46 70 310 18 23
Håkan Lundgren, Corporate Communications Director, ElektronikGruppen BK AB,
telephone +46 8 759 35 79 

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements of
ElektronikGruppen under the Act on Stock Exchange and Clearing Operations, the
Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, and/or the requirements in the listing
agreement with NASDAQ OMX Nordic in Stockholm. The information was submitted
for publication on 28 April 2010, 08.00 a.m. CET.

