Weekly report on share buy backs

| To Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen                                                     |
| Announcement no. 14- 2010                                         3 May 2010 |

On 16 April 2010, Tryg initiated a share buy back programme in compliance with  
the EU Commission Regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, the so-called   
Safe Harbour Regulative for share buy back.                                     

Under the programme, Tryg will purchase own shares for an amount of DKK 799m in 
the period from 16 April 2010 to the day prior to the release of the full year  
results 2010, which is planned to be released in February 2011.                 

Since the announcement of 26 April 2010 the following transactions have been    
made under the share buy back programme:                                        

|                  | Number of shares  | Average purchase  | Transaction value |
|                  |                   |       price       |       (DKK)       |
| 26 April 2010    |      15,975       |      347.18       |     5,546,201     |
| 27 April 2010    |      14,500       |      344.78       |     4,999,310     |
| 28 April 2010    |       5,000       |      339.46       |     1,697,300     |
| 29 April 2010    |      10,000       |      342.23       |     6,605,250     |
| Accumulated      |      123,670      |       349.68      |    43,245,475     |

Since the share buy back programme was initiated on 16 April 2016, the total    
number of repurchased shares is 123,670 and a total amount of DKK 43.2m.        

With the transactions stated above, Tryg owns a total of 1,024,862 shares,      
corresponding to 1.6% of the share capital. The total amount of shares in Tryg  
is 63.334m including own shares.                                                
Additional information:                                                         
For further information visit www.tryg.com or contact Investor Relations;       

Investor Relations Director, Ole Søeberg on +45 40 30 00 04 or                  

Investor Relations Manager, Lars Møller on +45 22 66 66 05 or                   

Tryg is the leading Nordic provider of “peace of mind” solutions with property &
casualty insurance operations in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. Tryg is   
listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen and 60% of the shares are held by               
TryghedsGruppen smba.


14-2010 tryg- weekly report on share buy backs.pdf