Interim Management Statement

04 May 2010
                                    G4S PLC
                          INTERIM MANAGEMENT STATEMENT

G4S,  the international security solutions group,  will be updating analysts and
investors  today  on  trading  for  the  year  to date, including an overview of
financial performance to 31 March 2010.

In  the first  quarter of  2010 overall revenues  grew 4%, at  constant exchange
rates,  compared to the same period last  year, and grew 2.1% at actual exchange
rates. The group operating margin was unchanged.

Management  will  be  indicating  that  there  have  been no material changes in
trading  performance, financial position or market conditions across the various
G4S  businesses since the 2009 year end, the  results of which were announced in

An  overview of the financial performance for the three months to 31 March 2010
is as follows:

Organic Growth
Overall  organic  growth  was  2%. New  Markets  grew more than 7% and developed
markets were flat.
  * In  secure solutions,  organic growth  was 2.5% as  a strong  performance in
    government  and New  Markets was  partly offset  by lower  growth overall in
    Europe and North America commercial services.
  * Cash  solutions organic growth  was flat with  good underlying growth in New
    Markets being offset by a slight decline in developed markets.

Overall  margins held  up (on  both a  constant and  actual exchange rate basis)
compared to the same period last year.
  * Secure  solutions  margins  were  slightly  higher  helped by the UK and New
  * In  cash  solutions,  the  business  has  adjusted  well  to the current low
    interest rate environment.

The  group  has  performed  robustly  in  the  first  quarter, in a market which
continues to be challenging.  Against this market backdrop, we are confident the
international  diversity of our  business mix, strength  of our management teams
and enhanced  ability to deliver innovative,  outsourced customer solutions will
enable the group to maintain its momentum.

Capital Markets Day
On  18 May, G4S will be holding a Capital Markets Day in London for analysts and

AGM & Dividend
The AGM will take place on 28 May 2010 and the final dividend of 4.16 pence (DKK
0.3408) per share is proposed for payment on 4 June 2010.

Results for the six months to 30 June 2010 will be published on 26 August 2010.

For further enquiries, please contact:
Helen Parris+44 (0) 1293 554423
Media Enquiries:
Alison Flynn+44 (0) 1293 554447
Kevin Smith, Citigate Dewe Rogerson+44 (0) 0207 282 1054
High resolution images are available for the media to view and download free of
charge <//>.

An investor and analyst conference call is taking place today at 09.00 (UK
time).  Participants should dial in 10-15 minutes before the conference start

|                           |Live call at 9am    |Replay (available for 7 days)|
|UK Standard International  |+44 (0) 1452 569 335|+44 (0) 1452 55 00 00        |
|UK Free Call               |0808 238 0673       |0800 953 1533                |
|Denmark Free Call          |8088 9204           |+44 (0) 1452 55 00 00        |
|USA Free Call              |1866 655 1591       |1866 247 4222                |
|Conference ID/Replay number|69953345            |69953345#                    |

Notes to Editors:
G4S  is  the  world's  leading  international  security  solutions  group, which
specialises  in  outsourced  business  processes  in  sectors where security and
safety risks are considered a strategic threat.

G4S  is  the  largest  employer  quoted  on  the London Stock Exchange and has a
secondary stock exchange listing in Copenhagen.  G4S has operations in over 110
countries  and  over  595,000 employees.   For  more  information  on G4S, visit
