Sponda Plc's interim report January - March 2010

Sponda Plc	Interim Report 5 May 2010 at 8.30 am                               

Sponda Plc's interim report January - March 2010                                

Sponda Plc's total revenue in the first quarter of 2010 was EUR 59.1 million (31
March 2009: EUR 60.6 million). Net operating income after property maintenance  
costs and direct costs for funds declined to EUR 41.9 (45.0) million. The       
decline was mainly due to the high property maintenance costs arising from the  
cold winter and the exceptionally heavy snow fall and lease agreements that     
terminated expectedly at the beginning of the year. Operating profit was EUR    
36.3 (-77.8) million.                                                           

Result of operations and financial position January - March 2010 (compared with 
same period in 2009)                                                            

Total revenue was EUR 59.1 (60.6) million.                                      
Net operating income declined to EUR 41.9 (45.0) million, which was mainly due  
to the increase in maintenance costs on account of the cold winter and          
exceptionally heavy snow fall and increased vacancy.                            
Operating profit was EUR 36.3 (-77.8) million, which includes a change in the   
value of properties of EUR -1.6 (-117.3) million.                               
The result after tax was EUR 14.5 (-91.9) million.                              
Earnings per share were EUR 0.05 (-0.52).                                       
Cash flow from operations per share was EUR 0.08 (0.18).                        
The fair value of the investment properties amounted to EUR 2,768.1 (2,802.8)   
EPRA net assets per share were EUR 4.10 (5.42).                                 
Economic occupancy rate declined as expected to 86.2 % (88.8 %).                

Key figures                                                                     

|                                    |      1-3/10 |      1-3/09 |     1-12/09 |
| Economic occupancy rate, %         |        86.2 |        88.8 |        86.6 |
| Total revenue, M€                  |        59.1 |        60.6 |       243.0 |
| Net operating income, M€           |        41.9 |        45.0 |       181.6 |
| Operating profit, M€               |        36.3 |       -77.8 |       -13.3 |
| Earnings per share, €              |        0.05 |      -0.52* |       -0.35 |
| Cash flow from operations          |        0.08 |        0.18 |        0.45 |
| per share, €                       |             |             |             |
| Net assets per share, €            |        3.46 |       4.35* |        3.54 |
| EPRA net assets per share, €       |        4.10 |       5.42* |        4.18 |
| Equity ratio, %                    |          37 |          30 |          37 |
| Gearing, %                         |         145 |         199 |         141 |

*) Per share figures have been adjusted in consequence of the share issue in the
second quarter of 2009, in accordance with IAS 33.                              

CEO Kari Inkinen                                                                

”Demand for premises has picked up from last year, but the occupancy rate in    
Sponda's main segment, office and retail premises, fell as had been forecast.   
The fall was due to contracts expiring at the end of the year. One encouraging  
aspect was the positive developments in the occupancy rate for logistics        
premises, especially for the logistics building in Vuosaari Harbour, since the  
beginning of the year.                                                          

Sponda's total revenue declined only slightly, even though the company has sold 
off properties from its portfolio during the year and vacancy rates have risen. 
Sponda's net operating income declined, mainly due to the increase in           
maintenance costs caused by the hard winter and to higher vacancy rates. A      
positive feature is that, judging from the leasing agreements that have been    
signed in Sponda's properties, the decline in rent levels for all types of      
property have levelled off.                                                     

Property development activity increased at the beginning of 2010 when           
construction got underway in the City-Center project and of the production plant
and office premises in Hakkila, Vantaa. The production plant in Hakkila will be 
the first of these to be completed, and is expected to be commissioned at the   
beginning of 2011.                                                              


Sponda estimates that the economic occupancy rate of the company's properties   
will not decline during the second quarter of 2010. The occupancy rate is       
expected to start to pick up during 2010. This assessment is based on the lease 
agreements that the company knows are expiring and on the forecast growth in    
Finland's economy in 2010.                                                      

The net operating income in 2010 is estimated to be lower than that in 2009. The
reasons for this decline are the planned sale of property and the fall in       
occupancy rates that began in 2009 and is continuing in the first half of 2010. 

Confirmed losses of Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy                                       

Sponda announced on 1 November 2007 when it published its interim report that   
the Uusimaa corporate tax office had decided to deviate from the 2006 tax       
returns made by Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy (formerly Kapiteeli Oy) and considered    
that the company's taxable earnings were EUR 192 million. The matter relates to 
the confirmed losses of Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy, which for the tax years 1996 -   
1999 totalled some EUR 558 million.                                             

According to the law, a company's losses are not deductible if during the year  
when the losses are incurred or thereafter more than half of the company's      
shares change owner. The responsible tax office may however on special grounds  
grant the right to deduct the losses despite the change of owner. Kapiteeli Oy  
was granted on 29 September 2006 and 13 December 2006 special permission to     
deduct the losses. Sponda Plc purchased the entire share stock of Kapiteeli Oy  
in a transaction on 14 December 2006.                                           

When it was processing the 2006 tax returns made by Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy, the  
tax office considered that the special permissions granted were not valid,      
because according to the tax office after the company's personnel had           
transferred to the employment of parent company Sponda Plc, the business        
operations of Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy could not be considered to have continued in
the manner described in the special permission decision. In the view of the     
company, the position taken by the tax office is wrong, because this is only a  
question of the Group's parent company taking over the payment of salaries,     
while the company's business operations continue unchanged.                     

Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy appealed the decision, and the tax assessment adjustment  
board of the Uusimaa tax office in a unanimous decision amended the decision of 
the tax office and approved the deductibility of the confirmed losses. On 14    
September 2009 the Helsinki Administrative Court in a 2-1 majority ruling       
accepted the appeal by the state official representing the interests of tax     
recipients against the decision of the tax assessment adjustment board. The     
company has appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court against the decision of
the Administrative Court. According to the instructions for appeal issued by the
Administrative Court, an appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court requires    
leave to appeal. According to the experts consulted by the company, leave to    
appeal is not required and in any case there are grounds for granting leave to  
appeal. According to information received by the company, it is possible that   
the Supreme Administrative Court will give its ruling on the main issue by      
summer 2010.                                                                    

The Uusimaa corporate tax office has adjusted the debiting of tax in 2006 for   
Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy by altogether EUR 53.8 million and the Tax Office for     
Major Corporations has adjusted the 2007 tax assessment of Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy
by altogether EUR 59.7 million and the 2008 tax assessment by altogether EUR    
26.4 million. The tax adjustments for 2006 - 2008 total EUR 131 million and     
corporate interest is EUR 8.9 million, altogether EUR 139.9 million. Penalty    
interest is calculated on the adjusted amounts and this is 7 % from 1 January   
2010. Penalty interest is calculated for the 2006 tax as from 15 December 2009  
and for 2007 and 2008 as from 21 January 2010. Penalty interest in the first    
quarter amounted to some EUR 2.0 million.                                       

However, because of the suspension order imposed by the Supreme Administrative  
Court and the decision on the ban on enforcing the tax taken by the Tax Office  
for Major Corporations, the company does not need to pay the taxes before a     
decision has been taken on the appeal against the ruling of the Administrative  
Court. Since the company does not need to pay taxes based on the decision of the
Administrative Court, Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy is not recognizing a tax expense    
while the matter is unresolved but is stating the tax issue in the notes to the 
financial statements.                                                           

Should the Supreme Administrative Court not amend the ruling of the             
Administrative Court, this would give rise to a tax expense for the company of  
some EUR 49.9 million for 2006, EUR 55.8 million for 2007 and EUR 25.3 million  
for 2008, in total some EUR 131 million for the years 2006 - 2008, which the    
company would have to pay. Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy used confirmed losses of EUR   
54.4 million which lapsed in 2009, which would give rise to tax of EUR 14.1     
million. In addition the company would have to pay corporate interest of some   
EUR 8.9 million and penalty interest for the 2006 tax as from 15 December 2009  
and for 2007 and 2008 as from 21 January 2010 until the payment date. The       
company has calculated that the corporate interest would amount to EUR 12.8     

Based on the opinions of the experts it has consulted, Sponda Plc considers the 
decision of the Administrative Court to be wrong and thinks that the Supreme    
Administrative Court is more likely to accept than reject the appeal by Sponda  
Kiinteistöt Oy. Should the company have to pay the tax under the ruling of the  
Administrative Court, Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy will have to recognize the tax      
expense and interest in the next interim report or annual financial statements  
published after the decision on the payment. If the tax expense of EUR 131.0    
million and interest of EUR 10.9 million as well as 2009 tax of EUR 14.1 million
had been paid on 31 March 2010, the consolidated result for the first quarter   
would have been EUR - 141.5 million and shareholders' equity EUR 936.0 million. 
If these expenses had been recognized, the corresponding figures for net assets 
per share would have been EUR 2.90, earnings per share EUR -0.51, cash flow from
operations per share EUR -0.49 and equity ratio 31 %.                           
On 31 March 2010 Sponda had unused credit limits of altogether EUR 400 million. 

Business conditions - Finland                                                   

The volume of property transactions in Finland remained low. According to the   
Institute for Real Estate Economics (KTI), property transactions with a total   
value of just over EUR 0.2 billion took place in the first quarter of 2010,     
compared with EUR 0.3 billion in the same period in 2009. Finnish institutional 
investors and some foreign investors were active in the market.                 

Catella Property Oy estimates that the vacancy rate for office premises in the  
Helsinki metropolitan area stood at 12.3 % at the end of 2009. Catella still    
forecasts that vacancy rates may rise even to 15 % during this year. Vacancy    
rates for retail premises in the Helsinki metropolitan area were low at 3.9 %,  
as they were for logistics property at 4.4 %.                                   

Market rent levels have fallen somewhat in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, but  
the rate of decline has slowed down. The fall in rent levels in the Helsinki    
central business district has levelled off.                                     

Business conditions - Russia                                                    

The Bank of Finland forecasts that Russia's gross national product will increase
by some 6 % this year. The forecast is based on growth in demand for Russia's   
main exports, oil and other raw materials. The normalization of the finance     
market is also encouraging an increase in investment in Russia.                 

Also the property market showed signs of recovery. According to expert          
assessments, vacancy rates in Moscow and St Petersburg are still high, at 20-25 
%, but the leasing market is expected to recover at the latest in the second    
half of 2010.                                                                   

Sponda's operations in January - March 2010                                     

Sponda owns, leases and develops business properties in the Helsinki            
metropolitan area and the largest cities in Finland, and in Russia. Sponda's    
operations are organized in four business units: Investment Properties, Property
Development, Russia, and Real Estate Funds. The Investment Properties unit is   
divided into three segments: Office and Retail Properties, Shopping Centres and 
Logistics Properties. The other segments are Property Development, Russia and   
Real Estate Funds.                                                              

Net operating income from all of Sponda's property assets and fund management   
fees totalled EUR 41.9 (45.0) million in the three month period. Office and     
retail premises accounted for 51 % of this, shopping centres for 18 %, logistics
premises for 14 %, Russia for 10 % and the Real Estate Funds unit for 7 %.      
Like-for-like rental growth during the past two years for the property portfolio
that Sponda has owned for two years was -2.48 % for office and retail           
properties, 1.82 % for shopping centres, -3.69 % for logistics properties and   
-2.20 % for property in Russia. The like-for-like rental growth in Russia has   
been calculated from roubles excluding fluctuation in exchange rates. Rental    
growth is calculated in accordance with EPRA recommendations. All of Sponda's   
leasing agreements are tied to the cost of living index.                        

The economic occupancy rates by type of property and geographical area were as  

| Type of property, %  | 31.3.10 |  31.12.09 |  30.9.09 |   30.6.09 |  31.3.09 |
| Office and Retail    |    86.5 |      87.9 |     87.9 |      90.3 |     90.5 |
| Shopping centres     |    96.5 |      96.4 |     97.3 |      97.1 |     97.8 |
| Logistics            |    76.0 |      74.5 |     75.0 |      76.1 |     78.8 |
| Russia               |    87.4 |      88.2 |     87.5 |      89.1 |     88.5 |
| Total property       |    86.2 |      86.6 |     86.8 |      88.4 |     88.8 |
| portfolio            |         |           |          |           |          |
| Geographical area, % | 31.3.10 |  31.12.09 |  30.9.09 |   30.6.09 |  31.3.09 |
| Helsinki Business    |    86.5 |      86.2 |     85.5 |      91.3 |     91.1 |
| District             |         |           |          |           |          |
| Helsinki             |    84.0 |      84.8 |     85.6 |      85.7 |     86.8 |
| Metropolitan Area    |         |           |          |           |          |
| Turku, Tampere, Oulu |    95.5 |      95.7 |     95.4 |      96.0 |     96.1 |
| Russia               |    87.4 |      88.2 |     87.5 |      89.1 |     88.5 |
| Total property       |    86.2 |      86.6 |     86.8 |      88.4 |     88.8 |
| portfolio            |         |           |          |           |          |

Total cash flow derived from leasing agreements on 31 March 2010 was EUR 1,066  
(1,079) million. Sponda had 1990 clients and altogether 3119 leasing agreements.
The company's biggest tenants were the public sector (10.2 % of rental income), 
Kesko Group (6.1 % of rental income), Sampo Bank Plc (3.9 % of rental income)   
and HOK-Elanto (3.8 % of rental income). Sponda's 10 largest tenants generate   
about 32 % of the company's total rental income. Sponda's tenants by sector were
as follows:                                                                     

| Sector                                            |         % of net rental  |
| Professional, scientific and technical activities |                    8.1 % |
| Energy                                            |                    0.5 % |
| Public sector                                     |                   10.2 % |
| Wholesale/retail                                  |                   27.0 % |
| Education                                         |                    1.0 % |
| Logistics/Transport                               |                    6.8 % |
| Media /Publishing                                 |                    1.7 % |
| Hotel and catering business                       |                    3.9 % |
| Other services                                    |                    8.0 % |
| Banking/Investment                                |                   10.4 % |
| Construction                                      |                    2.1 % |
| Industry/manufacturing                            |                    6.8 % |
| Healthcare                                        |                    3.9 % |
| Telecommunications                                |                    6.0 % |
| Others                                            |                    3.6 % |

The average length of all the leasing agreements was 4.5 (4.6) years. The       
average length of leasing agreements was 5.0 years for office and retail        
properties, 4.9 years for shopping centres and 3.5 years for logistics          
properties. A total of 76 new leases (23,400 m²) came into force in January -   
March 2010, and 94 leases (24,173 m²) expired during this period. The lease     
agreements for Sponda's property portfolio expire as follows:                   

| Expiry within              |    % of rental income |      % of rental income |
|                            |             31.3.2010 |               31.3.2009 |
| 1 year                     |                  16.2 |                    13.0 |
| 2 years                    |                  11.9 |                    13.4 |
| 3 years                    |                   9.4 |                    12.2 |
| 4 years                    |                   9.9 |                     6.9 |
| 5 years                    |                   6.7 |                     9.7 |
| 6 years                    |                   4.6 |                     5.6 |
| More than 6 years          |                  27.5 |                    25.5 |
| Open ended                 |                  14.0 |                    13.7 |

Property portfolio                                                              

On 31 March 2010 Sponda had a total of 195 properties, with an aggregate        
leasable area of about 1.5 million m². Of this some 52 % is office and retail   
premises, 9 % shopping centres and 36 % logistics premises. Some 3 % of the     
leasable area of the properties is located in Russia.                           

The fair values of Sponda's investment properties are confirmed through the     
company's own cash flow based yield assessment calculation. The valuation method
complies with international valuation standards (IVS). The entire material used 
in calculating the fair values of properties is examined at least twice a year  
by an external expert, to ensure that the parameters and values used in the     
calculation are based on market observations.                                   

At the end of the first quarter of 2010 the values of Sponda's investment       
properties were valued internally within the company. The change in the fair    
value of the investment properties in January - March was EUR -1.2 million (31  
March 2009: -117.3 million) and of the investment in the real estate funds EUR  
-0.4 (0.0) million. In the first quarter of the year, the main factor affecting 
the fair value was mainly the increase in maintenance costs. At the end of March
the fair values of the properties owned by the First Top LuxCo real estate fund 
were assessed by Kiinteistötaito Peltola & Co and Jones Lang LaSalle.           

Valuation gains/losses on assessing Sponda's investment properties at fair value
| M€                                                                           |
|                                                |    1-3/2010 |     1-12/2009 |
| Changes in yield requirements (Finland)        |           0 |         -54.7 |
| Changes in yield requirements (Russia)         |           0 |         -49.4 |
| Development gains on property development      |         0.9 |          -1.2 |
| projects                                       |             |               |
| Modernization investments                      |        -5.6 |         -21.3 |
| Change in market rents and maintenance costs   |        -2.8 |          -8.4 |
| (Finland)                                      |             |               |
| Change in market rents and maintenance costs   |           0 |      -26.9(** |
| (Russia)                                       |             |               |
| Change in currency exchange rates              |         6.3 |       -5.0 (* |
| Investment properties, total                   |        -1.2 |        -166.8 |
| Real estate funds                              |        -0.4 |          -8.3 |
| Group, total                                   |        -1.6 |        -175.1 |
| *) change in value due to changes in exchange rates 6-12/2009                |
| **) includes changes in value due to changes in exchange rates               |
| 1-6/2009                                                                     |

The changes in Sponda's investment property assets in the January - March 2010  
period were as follows:                                                         

| Sponda's investment   | Total   | Office  | Shop- | Logis- | Proper | Russia |
| properties, M€        |         | &       | ping  | tics   | ty     |        |
|                       |         | Retail  | centr |        | devel  |        |
|                       |         |         | es    |        | op     |        |
|                       |         |         |       |        | ment   |        |
| Operating income      |    54.6 |    29.8 |  10.0 |    9.1 |    0.1 |    5.6 |
| Maintenance costs     |   -16.2 |    -8.7 |  -2.3 |   -3.4 |   -0.3 |   -1.5 |
| Net operating income  |    38.4 |    21.1 |   7.7 |    5.6 |   -0.2 |    4.1 |
| Investment properties | 2 767.5 | 1 425.8 | 543.6 |  396.1 |  220.6 |  181.4 |
| on                    |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| 1 Jan. 2010,          |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| including cum.        |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| capitalized interest  |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Capitalized interest  |     1.1 |     0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.9 |    0.2 |
| 2010                  |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Acquisitions in 2010  |     0.0 |     0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |
| Investments           |    10.1 |     5.3 |   0.1 |    0.5 |    4.1 |    0.1 |
| Other transfers       |     0.0 |     0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |    0.0 |
| Sales in 2010         |    -9.3 |    -9.0 |   0.0 |   -0.3 |    0.0 |    0.0 |
| Valuation             |    -1.2 |    -5.4 |  -1.3 |   -0.8 |    0.1 |    6.3 |
| gains/losses          |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Fair value of         | 2 768.1 | 1 416.7 | 542.3 |  395.5 |  225.7 |  188.0 |
| investment properties |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| at 31 March 2010      |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Change in fair value  |   -0.04 |   -0.38 | -0.24 |  -0.20 |   0.05 |   3.47 |
| %                     |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Annual net operating  |     6.3 |     6.0 |   6.5 |    5.7 |      - |    9.7 |
| income/               |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| fair value at         |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| 31 March 2010 (*      |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Weighted average      |     7.2 |     6.7 |   6.1 |    8.1 |    0.0 |   11.5 |
| yield requirement -%  |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| for entire portfolio  |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Weighted average      |     6.9 |         |       |        |        |        |
| yield requirement -%  |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| for portfolio -       |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| Finland               |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| *) Excluding property |         |         |       |        |        |        |
| development           |         |         |       |        |        |        |

Investments and divestments                                                     

Sponda sold investment properties during the first quarter of 2010 for a total  
value of EUR 9.3 million. No properties were purchased in the period.           

Investments in property maintenance totalled EUR 5.6 million in the first three 
months. Altogether EUR 4.4 million was invested in property development. This   
was mainly spent on the renovation of the City-Center complex in the centre of  

Office and Retail Properties                                                    

The economic occupancy rate for Office and Retail Properties was 86.5 % (31     
March 2009: 90.5 %). The property portfolio had a fair value on 31 March 2010 of
EUR 1416.7 million, and the change in fair value from the beginning of 2010 was 
EUR -5.4 million. The leasable area of office and retail properties was some    
760,000 m², and an estimated 72 % of this was office premises and 28 % retail   
premises. The segment's total revenue, net operating income and operating profit
in the period were as follows:                                                  

| M€                          |      1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |      1-12/2009 |
| Total revenue               |          30.3 |          32.8 |          129.0 |
| Net operating income        |          21.3 |          24.1 |           96.3 |
| Operating profit            |          15.6 |          -8.6 |           46.5 |

During the first quarter of 2010 Sponda sold office and retail property for EUR 
9.0 million. No properties were bought during the period. Capital expenditure on
property maintenance amounted to EUR 5.4 million by the end of the quarter.     

Shopping Centres                                                                

The Shopping Centres unit had an economic occupancy rate of 96.5 % (97.8 %). The
properties had a fair value of EUR 542.3 million, including a change in fair    
value of EUR -1.3 million from the beginning of 2010. The shopping centres had a
combined leasable area of about 140,000 m². The segment's total revenue, net    
operating income and operating profit in the period were as follows:            

| M€                          |      1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |      1-12/2009 |
| Total revenue               |          10.0 |           8.3 |           39.3 |
| Net operating income        |           7.7 |           6.3 |           31.4 |
| Operating profit            |           6.0 |          -1.5 |           18.7 |

In the January - March 2010 period the segment made no significant investments  
in property maintenance or in purchasing new property.                          

Logistics Properties                                                            

The Logistics Properties segment had an economic occupancy rate of 76.0 % (78.8 
%). The properties had a fair value at the end of March 2010 of EUR 395.5       
million, including a change in fair value of EUR -0.8 million from the beginning
of the year. The logistics properties had a total leasable area of 530,000 m².  
The segment's total revenue, net operating income and operating profit in the   
period were as follows:                                                         

| M€                          |      1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |      1-12/2009 |
| Total revenue               |           9.4 |          10.4 |           38.6 |
| Net operating income        |           5.7 |           7.2 |           27.4 |
| Operating profit            |           4.8 |          -8.0 |           -4.5 |

In the first quarter of 2010 Sponda sold logistics property for EUR 0.3 million.
No new properties were purchased in this period. Capital expenditure on property
maintenance since the beginning of the year totalled EUR 0.1 million and on     
property development EUR 0.4 million. The expenditure on property development   
was for the production plant being built for Metso Automation in Hakkila in     

Property Development                                                            

The balance sheet value of Sponda's property development portfolio at the end of
March 2010 was EUR 225.7 million. Of this some EUR 89.7 million was in          
undeveloped land sites and the remaining EUR 136.0 million was tied up in       
property development projects in progress. Investments in property development  
and acquisitions during the first quarter of 2010 totalled EUR 4.1 million, and 
most of this was for the City-Center project and for building the ABC service   
station in Turku.                                                               

Sponda aims to obtain development gains of 15 % on the investment costs for     
projects. Sponda's product development business comprises new build projects and
refurbishment of existing properties.                                           

In the City-Center project, construction began of the office building in the    
inner court of the complex, and new retail premises are being built on the first
and second floors of the retail complex and in place of the parking deck on the 
third floor. Construction of the underground service facilities is also         
underway. It is estimated that the City-Center renovation will be completed in  
2012 and that the total investment will be some EUR 125 million.                

Sponda is building some 22,000 m² of production premises in Hakkila, Vantaa,    
that is being leased in its entirety to Metso Automation. Sponda is also leasing
to Metso some 12,000 square metres of office and warehouse premises in the      
adjacent Honkatalo office building, and these will be completely refurbished.   
Sponda's total investment is estimated at about EUR 40 million.                 

Sponda is developing the Ratina shopping centre in Tampere and carrying out     
development projects in adjacent areas. A 55,000 m² shopping centre is planned  
for the area, for which the total investment cost is estimated at EUR 200       
million. The final decision about the investment has not been made.             


At the end of the review period, the economic occupancy rate for the Russia unit
was 87.4 % (88.5 %). The property portfolio had a fair value of EUR 188.0       
million, and the change in the fair value from the beginning of 2010 was EUR 6.3
million, which was almost entirely due to changes in exchange rates. The fair   
value of the properties in Russia was assessed internally at Sponda.            

Capital expenditure on property development and maintenance totalled EUR 0.1    

The segment's total revenue, net operating income and operating profit in the   
period were as follows:                                                         

| M€                          |      1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |      1-12/2009 |
| Total revenue               |           5.6 |           5.7 |           21.8 |
| Net operating income        |           4.1 |           4.4 |           16.4 |
| Operating profit            |           9.5 |         -59.8 |          -70.4 |

The typical length of a lease in Russia is 11 months. Sponda's leasing          
agreements in Russia also conform to this practice, apart from the Western      
Realty (Ducat II) and OOO Adastra properties in Moscow and St Petersburg where  
the leases are for longer periods than average. The average length of leasing   
agreements in Russia on 31 March 2010 was 3.2 years, and the leasing agreements 
expire as follows:                                                              

| Expiry in                 |     % of rental income |      % of rental income |
|                           |              31.3.2010 |               31.3.2009 |
| 1 year                    |                   37.2 |                    21.3 |
| 2 years                   |                    3.5 |                     5.0 |
| 3 years                   |                   16.2 |                    11.5 |
| 4 years                   |                   10.8 |                    11.2 |
| 5 years                   |                    8.9 |                    15.5 |
| 6 years                   |                    3.6 |                    15.6 |
| More than 6 years         |                   19.8 |                    19.9 |

Sponda receives about half of its rental income in Russia in US dollars. About  
half is in roubles, and much of this is tied to an agreed exchange rate for the 
dollar or the euro. The company's rouble risk is reduced because a major part of
the unit's expenses are denominated in roubles. It is Sponda's policy to hedge 6
months foreign currency denominated cash flow in Russia.                        

Real Estate Funds                                                               

Sponda is a minority holder in three real estate funds, First Top LuxCo, Sponda 
Real Estate Fund I Ky and Sponda Real Estate Fund II Ky. Sponda is responsible  
for managing the funds and their properties, and receives management fees. The  
property portfolio of First Top LuxCo was valued by Kiinteistötaito Peltola & Co
and Jones Lang LaSallen at the end of March 2010.                               

The segment's total revenue (including management fees and share of fund        
profits), net operating income and operating profit in the period were as       

| M€                          |      1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |      1-12/2009 |
| Total revenue               |           3.2 |           3.1 |           12.7 |
| Net operating income        |           2.9 |           2.6 |           10.9 |
| Operating profit            |           1.2 |           1.1 |           -3.6 |

The management fees and share of profits for the funds were as follows:         

|                              |     1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |      1-12/2009 |
| Management fees              |          1.6 |           1.7 |            6.6 |
| Share of profit              |          1.4 |           1.4 |            5.8 |
|                              |          3.1 |           3.1 |           12.4 |

First Top LuxCo (Sponda's holding 20 %) invests in office and retail properties 
outside Finland's largest cities. On 31 March 2010 the fund's property          
investments had a fair value of EUR 104.1 million.                              

Sponda Real Estate Fund I Ky (Sponda's holding 46 %) invests in logistics sites 
outside the Helsinki metropolitan area. At the end of March 2010 the properties 
it owned had a fair value of EUR 186.4 million.                                 
Sponda Real Estate Fund II Ky (Sponda's holding 44 %) mainly invests in         
logistics properties in medium sized towns in Finland. The fund has a target    
size for its real estate investment of about EUR 200 million and the fair value 
of its property portfolio on 31 March 2010 was EUR 95.8 million.                

In addition to those mentioned above, Sponda is also responsible for managing   
the property portfolio, with a value of about EUR 270 million, sold in March    
2007 to Whitehall Street Real Estate Limited and Niam Nordic Investment Fund    

Cash flow and financing                                                         

Sponda's net cash flow from operations in January - March 2010 totalled EUR 16.1
million (31 March 2009: EUR 25.2 million). Net cash flow from investing         
activities was EUR 0.4 (-13.5) million and the net cash flow from financing     
activities was EUR -19.5 (-14.1) million. Net financing costs in the period     
totalled EUR -16.6 (-19.0) million. Interest expenses of EUR 1.1 (0.9) million  
were capitalized.                                                               

Sponda's equity ratio on 31 March 2010 was 37 % (31 March 2009: 30 %) and       
gearing was 145 % (199 %). Interest-bearing debt amounted to EUR 1,610.4        
(1,814.4) million and the average maturity of Sponda's loans was 2.5 (2.8)      
years. The average interest rate was 3.8 % (3.6 %) including interest           
derivatives. Fixed-rate and interest-hedged loans accounted for 67 % of the loan
portfolio. The average interest-bearing period of the whole debt portfolio was  
1.8 (1.8) years. The interest margin, which describes the company's solvency,   
was 2.9 (2.2).                                                                  

Sponda applies hedge accounting, according to which changes in the fair value of
interest rate options that meet the criteria for hedge accounting are recognized
in equity in the balance sheet. Changes in fair value of other interest rate    
options and currency options are recognized in the income statement.            

Sponda Group's debt portfolio on 31 March 2010 comprised syndicated loans with a
nominal value of EUR 570 million, EUR 250 million in bonds, EUR 117 million in  
issued commercial papers, and EUR 677 million in loans from financial           
institutions. Sponda had EUR 400 million in unused credit limits. Sponda Group  
had mortgaged loans of EUR 141.2 million, or 4.7 % of the consolidated balance  

In January 2010 Sponda Plc signed an extension agreement with Sampo Bank Plc for
a 3-year loan of EUR 57.6 million. The agreement extends the short-term project 
loan that was originally taken for the Elo shopping centre. The margin on the   
loan corresponds to today's market rates and the terms and conditions of the    
loan are unchanged.                                                             


During the review period Sponda Group had on average 127 (135) employees, of    
whom 113 (120) worked for parent company Sponda Plc. On 31 March 2010 Sponda    
Group had altogether 125 (134) employees, of whom 113 (120) were employed in    
parent company Sponda Plc. Sponda has personnel in Finland and in Russia.       
Sponda's sales and administration costs in the period totalled EUR 4.9 (5.4)    

Bonus and incentive schemes                                                     

Sponda operates an incentive bonus scheme covering all personnel which is based 
on the company's common goals and on personal targets for each employee. Key    
factors affecting the bonus are profitability and the development of operations.

In March 2010 the Board of Directors of Sponda Plc decided to renew the         
long-term incentive scheme introduced by the company in 2009 by extending the   
earnings periods in the scheme. This will take place gradually until 2012 so    
that the share of the current one-year earnings periods will decline each year  
and that of the new three-year earnings periods will correspondingly increase.  
The key personnel belonging to the scheme have the opportunity to earn a bonus  
in company shares. The objectives of the scheme are to bring together the goals 
of owners and key personnel for raising the value of the company and to obtain  
the commitment of key personnel to the company and provide a competitive bonus  
scheme for them based on ownership of company shares                            

The scheme comprises two one-year earnings periods, which are the calendar years
2010 and 2011, and two three-year earnings periods, which are the calendar years
2010—2012 and 2011—2013. The earnings criteria for the scheme are linked to the 
cash flow per share and the return on investment. The Board of Directors decides
separately on the targets for each earnings period.                             

Any bonus is paid partly in company shares and partly in cash. The portion paid 
in cash is meant to cover the taxes and similar costs incurred by the key       
employee from the bonus. The employee may not dispose of the shares during the  
commitment periods following the earnings periods, which in the old scheme is   
two years and in the new scheme three years. Even after this the key employee   
must continue to own shares and the goal is that the company shares owned by the
key employee will be equal to their gross annual salary.                        

The maximum annual bonus paid in the incentive scheme shall be the gross annual 
salary of the key employee on the date of payment. The gross annual salary      
refers to the fixed basic salary excluding any annual performance bonus and     
income from the long-term bonus scheme.                                         

At present those in the scheme are the members of the company's Executive Board,
in total seven people. The bonuses to be paid for the 2010 and 2010—2012        
earnings periods correspond in total to at most the value of some 750,000 Sponda
Plc shares (including the portion to be paid in cash).                          

Group structure                                                                 

Sponda Group comprises the parent company, the subsidiary Sponda Kiinteistöt Oy 
(formerly Kapiteeli Oy), and the Group's mutually owned property companies,     
which are either wholly or majority owned by Sponda Plc or Sponda Kiinteistöt   
Oy. Sponda Group also includes Sponda Russia Ltd and Sponda Asset Management Oy,
as well as their subsidiaries.                                                  

The Sponda share and shareholders                                               

The weighted average price of the Sponda share in the January - March 2010      
period was EUR 2.85. The highest quotation on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy was EUR    
3.19 and the lowest EUR 2.61. Turnover during the period totalled 34.5 million  
shares or EUR 98.3 million. The closing price of the share on 31 March 2010 was 
EUR 3.09, and the market capitalization of the company's share capital was EUR  
857.7 million.                                                                  

The Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2010 authorized the Board of Directors to
purchase the company's own shares. The authorization is valid until the next    
Annual General meeting and it will overrule the authorization given in the      
Annual General Meeting held 25 March 2009. The authorization was not exercised  
during the review period.                                                       

Sponda issued the following flagging announcements in the January - March       
2 March 2010: Cohen & Steers, Inc announced that the shares it owned represented
5.007 % of the share capital and voting rights in Sponda Plc.                   

On 31 March 2010 the company had altogether 9696 shareholders, and its ownership
structure was as follows:                                                       

|                                             |   Number of |            Osuus |
|                                             |      shares |    osakkeista, % |
| Public entities                             |  17 679 132 |              6.4 |
| Nominee registered                          | 120 529 336 |             43.4 |
| Financial and insurance institutions, total |   6 764 116 |              2.5 |
| Households                                  |  25 881 870 |              9.3 |
| Private corporations, total                 | 101 104 514 |             36.4 |
| Non-profit organizations, total             |   3 703 428 |              1.3 |
| Foreign owners, total                       |   1 913 066 |              0.7 |
| Total number of shares                      | 277 575 462 |            100.0 |

Sponda Plc's Annual General Meeting                                             

The Annual General Meeting of Sponda Plc was held in Helsinki on 17 March 2010. 
The meeting adopted the consolidated financial statements and the parent        
company's financial statements for the 2009 financial year and discharged the   
Board of Directors and the CEO from liability.                                  

The AGM adopted the proposal of the Board to pay a dividend of EUR 0.12 per     
share for the 2009 financial year. The record date for the dividend payment was 
22 March 2010 and the dividend was paid on 29 March 2010.                       

The number of the members of the Board of Directors was confirmed as six (6).   
The following were re-elected: Klaus Cawén, Tuula Entelä, Timo Korvenpää, Lauri 
Ratia, Arja Talma and Erkki Virtanen, to serve on the Board of Directors until  
the close of the following AGM. All had given their consent to election.        
The AGM confirmed that the annual remuneration for the chairman of the board is 
EUR 60,000, for the deputy chairman is EUR 36,000, and for ordinary members EUR 
31,200. Of this annual remuneration, 40 % is paid in Sponda Plc shares to be    
purchased on the market. The shares will be purchased within two weeks of the   
date of publication of the interim report for January - March 2010. In addition,
the AGM confirmed that an attendance allowance of EUR 600 is paid to all members
for each meeting, including Board committee meetings.                           

APA Raija-Leena Hankonen and authorized public accountants KPMG Oy Ab, with APA 
Kai Salli as principal auditor and APA Riitta Pyykkö as deputy auditor, were    
appointed as the company's auditors to serve until the close of the next AGM. It
was decided that the auditors will be paid against invoice.                     

Purchase of company's own shares                                                

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide on the acquisition of own   
shares using the company's free equity pursuant to the proposal of the Board of 
Directors. A maximum of 13,878,000 shares can be acquired in one or more        
tranches. The proposed maximum number corresponds to approximately five per cent
of all shares of the company. The shares shall be acquired in public trading,   
for which reason this shall be a directed purchase, deviating from the          
pre-emptive rights of shareholders.                                             

The Board of Directors shall decide on other conditions for purchasing the      
company's own shares.                                                           

The authorization is valid until the following Annual General Meeting. It       
replaces the authorization given by the AGM on 25 March 2009.                   

Deciding on share issue and granting of special rights entitling to shares      

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to decide on a share issue and on the 
granting of special rights entitling to shares, pursuant to Chapter 10(1) of the
Companies Act, in accordance with the proposal of the Board. A share issue may  
be effected by offering new shares or by the transfer of treasury shares. Based 
on this authorization, the Board of Directors is authorized to make a decision  
on a directed share issue in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights
and on the granting of special rights subject to the conditions mentioned in the
Companies Act.                                                                  
Under the authorization, a maximum of 27,757,000 shares can be issued. The      
proposed maximum amount corresponds approximately to 10 per cent of all the     
current shares of the Company.                                                  

The Board of Directors can act on this authorization in one or several tranches.
The Board of Directors can use the authorization to finance or carry out        
corporate acquisitions, to strengthen the company's capitalization, or for other
purposes decided by the Board of Directors. The authorization may not, however, 
be used for implementing incentive schemes for the company's management or key  
personnel. The Board of Directors is authorized to decide on other conditions of
the share issues and for issuing special rights.                                

The authorization is in force until the next Annual General Meeting. This       
authorization replaces the one given by the AGM on 25 March 2009 to decide on a 
share issue and on granting special rights entitling to shares                  

Amendment to Articles of Association                                            

The provisions of the Articles of Association concerning notice of a General    
Meeting of Shareholders were amended to correspond with the amended provisions  
of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act as follows:                      

”Article 9 Participation in and notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders     

To participate in a General Meeting of Shareholders, shareholders must so inform
the Company in the manner stated in the notice of meeting and before the end of 
the registration period stated therein, which may be no more than ten (10) days 
before the meeting.                                                             

Notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders shall be given with an announcement 
published in at least one national daily newspaper as determined by the Board of

The notice shall be published no more than two (2) months before the final      
registration date mentioned above and no less than three (3) weeks before the   
meeting. Notice of a General Meeting shall however be given no less than nine   
(9) days before the record date of the General Meeting.”                        

Appointment of Nomination Committee                                             

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders resolved, on the proposition of  
the Company's largest shareholder Solidium Oy, to appoint a Nomination Committee
to prepare proposals for the following Annual General Meeting concerning the    
company's board members and their remuneration. The Nomination Committee shall  
consist of the representatives of the three largest shareholders as well as the 
Chairman of the Board as an expert member. The three shareholders who hold the  
largest number of all the voting rights on the 1 November preceding the next    
Annual General Meeting shall have the right to appoint the members representing 
the shareholders. Should a shareholder not wish to exercise their nomination    
right, the right shall be transferred to the next largest shareholder.          

The largest shareholders will be determined by the shareholder information      
entered in the book-entry system, however in such a way that the holdings of a  
shareholder with an obligation, pursuant to the Finnish Securities Markets Act, 
to disclose information on certain changes in ownership (shareholder with       
disclosure obligation), for example holdings in several different funds, will be
aggregated, if the shareholder notifies the Board of Directors in writing of his
request to do so no later than 29 October 2010. The Nomination Committee shall  
be convened by the Chairman of the Board and the Committee appoints a chairman  
from among its members. The proposals of the Nomination Committee are to be     
submitted to the Board of Directors of the company at the latest on the 1       
February immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting.                      

Board of Directors and auditors                                                 

Sponda's Board of Directors has six members: Klaus Cawén, Tuula Entelä, Timo    
Korvenpää, Lauri Ratia, Arja Talma and Erkki Virtanen. At its constitutive      
meeting after the AGM on 17 March 2010 the Board elected Lauri Ratia as its     
chairman and Timo Korvenpää as vice chairman.                                   

The Board of Directors assessed that of its members Klaus Cawén, Tuula Entelä,  
Timo Korvenpää, Lauri Ratia and Arja Talma are independent of the company and of
major shareholders and Erkki Virtanen is independent of the company.            

Sponda Plc's auditors are APA Raija-Leena Hankonen and authorized public        
accountants KPMG Oy Ab, with APA Kai Salli as principal auditor and APA Riitta  
Pyykkkö as deputy auditor.                                                      
Committees of the Board of Directors                                            
The following were elected members of the Audit Committee: Arja Talma, chairman,
Timo Korvenpää, vice chairman and Erkki Virtanen, ordinary member.              

The following were elected to the Structure and Remuneration Committee: Lauri   
Ratia, chairman, Klaus Cawén, vice chairman, and Tuuls Entelä, ordinary member. 


Sponda Plc's president and chief executive officer is Kari Inkinen. The         
Executive Board comprises the president and CEO, the CFO, the SVP Corporate     
Communications and IR, and the heads of the business units, in total seven      

Environmental responsibility                                                    

The real estate sector plays a key role in fighting climate change and ensuring 
the wellbeing of the environment. Sponda made environmental expertise a         
strategic priority in its corporate responsibility in 2009.                     

Sponda has set targets for 2010 that at a company level are related to reducing 
energy consumption in the properties owned by Sponda, taking into account the   
demands of environmentally responsible operations in all construction and in the
maintenance of properties, cutting environmental load, and creating a healthy,  
attractive work environment for its clients.                                    

Subsequent events                                                               

The company had no significant events after the end of the period.              


Sponda estimates that the economic occupancy rate of the company's properties   
will not decline during the second quarter of 2010. The occupancy rate is       
expected to start to pick up during 2010. This assessment is based on the lease 
agreements that the company knows are expiring and on the forecast growth in    
Finland's economy in 2010.                                                      

The net operating income in 2010 is estimated to be lower than that in 2009. The
reasons for this decline are the planned sale of property and the fall in       
occupancy rates that began in 2009 and is continuing in the first half of 2010. 

Risks and uncertainty factors in the near future                                

Sponda believes that the key risks and uncertainty factors in the current       
financial period arise from a delay in the expected recovery in the economy, and
relate to a decline in economic occupancy rates, a reduction in market rents and
a decline in rental income resulting from the insolvency of tenants.            

The general economic situation may cause the solvency of Sponda's customers to  
weaken in Finland and Russia in 2010, which in turn may reduce Sponda's rental  
income and increase the vacancy rates in the properties owned by the company.   

Differences in legislation and official procedures in Russia compared to Finland
may cause additional risks. The operations in Russia increase Sponda's foreign  
exchange risk. Changes in exchange rates may cause exchange rate losses which   
have a negative impact on the company's financial result. The company hedges the
currency denominated cash flow from Russia for the coming 6 months              

The company may have to pay the tax relating to the confirmed losses of Sponda  
Kiinteistöt Oy during the current financial year, and the company will then have
to recognize a tax expense. This would weaken the company's result and equity   
A rapid, sharp rise in market interest rates in 2010 would increase Sponda's    
financial expenses, and would have a negative impact on the company's result.   

5 May 2010                                                                      
Sponda Plc                                                                      
Board of Directors                                                              

Further information:                                                            
Kari Inkinen, President and CEO, tel. +358 20-431 3311 or +358 400-402 653,     
CFO Erik Hjelt, tel. +358 20-431 3318 or +358 400-472 313 and                   
Pia Arrhenius, SVP, Corporate Communications and IR, tel. +358 20-431 3454 or   
+358 40-527 4462.                                                               

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             

Sponda Plc                                                                      

Consolidated income statement (IFRS)                                            
|    |                                    |  1-3/2010 |  1-3/2009 |  1-12/2009 |
| Total revenue                           |           |           |            |
|    | Rental income and recoverables     |      55.9 |      57.5 |      230.3 |
|    | Interest income from finance       |       0.1 |       0.1 |        0.3 |
|    | leasing agreements                 |           |           |            |
|    | Fund management fees and share of  |       3.1 |       3.1 |       12.4 |
|    | fund profit                        |           |           |            |
|    |                                    |      59.1 |      60.6 |      243.0 |
| Expenses                                |           |           |            |
|    | Maintenance expenses               |     -16.9 |     -15.2 |      -59.5 |
|    | Direct fund expenses               |      -0.3 |      -0.4 |       -1.9 |
|    |                                    |     -17.2 |     -15.6 |      -61.4 |
| Net operating income                    |      41.9 |      45.0 |      181.6 |
| Profit/loss on sales of investment      |       1.3 |       0.2 |        0.3 |
| properties                              |           |           |            |
| Valuation gains/losses                  |      -1.6 |    -117.3 |     -175.1 |
| Profit/loss on sales of trading         |       0.3 |      -0.2 |        4.0 |
| properties                              |           |           |            |
| Sales and marketing expenses            |      -0.3 |      -0.3 |       -1.5 |
| Administrative expenses                 |      -4.6 |      -5.1 |      -20.5 |
| Share of result of associated companies |       0.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |
| Other operating income                  |       0.0 |       0.2 |        0.8 |
| Other operating expenses                |      -0.6 |      -0.3 |       -2.9 |
| Operating profit                        |      36.3 |     -77.8 |      -13.3 |
| Financial income                        |       0.3 |       0.4 |        2.1 |
| Financial expenses                      |     -16.9 |     -19.3 |      -67.2 |
| Financial income and expenses, net      |     -16.6 |     -19.0 |      -65.0 |
| Result before taxes                     |      19.6 |     -96.7 |      -78.3 |
| Income taxes for current and previous   |      -1.0 |      -0.3 |       -3.2 |
| fiscal years                            |           |           |            |
| Deferred taxes                          |      -4.2 |       5.2 |       -0.1 |
| Income taxes, total                     |      -5.2 |       4.9 |       -3.3 |
| Profit/loss for period                  |      14.5 |     -91.9 |      -81.6 |
| Attributable to:                        |           |           |            |
| Equity holders of the parent company    |      14.5 |     -91.9 |      -81.5 |
| Minority interest                       |       0.0 |       0.0 |       -0.1 |
| Earnings per share based on profit      |           |           |            |
| attributable to equity holders of the   |           |           |            |
| parent company:                         |           |           |            |
| Basic and diluted,€                     |      0.05 |     -0.52 |      -0.35 |
| Basic and diluted, attributable to      |      0.04 |     -0.53 |      -0.40 |
| equity holders, €                       |           |           |            |
| Basic and diluted, attributable to      |      0.01 |      0.02 |       0.05 |
| holders of hybrid loan, €               |           |           |            |
| Average number of shares, million       |           |           |            |
| Basic and diluted, million              |     277.6 |     178.0 |      230.6 |
| Direct result                           |      15.6 |      10.9 |       67.4 |
| Indirect result                         |      -1.1 |    -102.8 |     -148.9 |
| Statement of comprehensive income       |           |           |            |
| (IFRS)                                  |           |           |            |
| Profit/loss for period                  |      14.5 |     -91.9 |      -81.6 |
| Other comprehensive income              |           |           |            |
| Net loss/profit from hedging cash flow  |      -5.5 |     -17.6 |      -10.4 |
| Translation difference                  |       1.2 |       3.8 |        0.7 |
| Taxes on comprehensive income           |       1.6 |       2.8 |        2.4 |
| Other comprehensive income for period   |      -2.6 |     -11.0 |       -7.3 |
| after taxes                             |           |           |            |
| Comprehensive profit/loss for period    |      11.9 |    -102.9 |      -88.9 |
| Allocation of comprehensive profit/loss |           |           |            |
| for period:                             |           |           |            |
| Equity holders of parent company        |      11.9 |    -102.9 |      -88.8 |
| Minority interest                       |       0.0 |       0.0 |       -0.1 |

Consolidated balance sheet (IFRS)                                               
|                                    |   31.3.2010 |   31.3.2009 |  31.12.2009 |
| ASSETS                             |             |             |             |
| Non-current assets                 |             |             |             |
| Investment properties              |     2 768.1 |     2 802.8 |     2 767.5 |
| Investments in real estate funds   |        55.8 |        63.5 |        56.2 |
| Property, plant and equipment      |        14.1 |        14.7 |        14.3 |
| Goodwill                           |        14.5 |        14.5 |        14.5 |
| Other intangible assets            |         0.0 |         0.0 |         0.0 |
| Finance lease receivables          |         2.7 |         2.7 |         2.7 |
| Investments in associated          |         2.8 |         2.8 |         2.8 |
| companies                          |             |             |             |
| Long-term receivables              |         3.8 |         3.9 |         7.4 |
| Deferred tax assets                |        39.0 |        59.3 |        41.1 |
| Total non-current assets           |     2 901.0 |     2 964.3 |     2 906.6 |
| Current assets                     |             |             |             |
| Trading properties                 |        22.8 |        29.4 |        22.8 |
| Trade and other receivables        |        34.2 |        42.0 |        31.6 |
| Cash and cash equivalents          |        27.2 |        12.7 |        29.1 |
| Total current assets               |        84.1 |        84.1 |        83.6 |
| Total assets                       |     2 985.1 |     3 048.4 |     2 990.2 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND           |             |             |             |
| LIABILITIES                        |             |             |             |
| Equity attributable to equity      |             |             |             |
| holders of parent company          |             |             |             |
| Share capital                      |       111.0 |       111.0 |       111.0 |
| Share premium fund                 |       159.5 |       159.5 |       159.5 |
| Translation differences            |         0.5 |         0.6 |        -0.9 |
| Fair value fund                    |       -31.5 |       -32.7 |       -27.4 |
| Revaluation fund                   |         0.6 |         0.6 |         0.6 |
| Reserve for invested unrestricted  |       412.0 |       209.7 |       412.0 |
| equity                             |             |             |             |
| Other equity fund                  |       129.0 |       129.0 |       129.0 |
| Retained earnings                  |       309.1 |       325.9 |       328.0 |
|                                    |     1 090.2 |       903.7 |     1 111.7 |
| Minority interest                  |         1.8 |         1.7 |         1.8 |
| Total shareholders' equity         |     1 092.0 |       905.4 |     1 113.6 |
| Liabilities                        |             |             |             |
| Non-current liabilities            |             |             |             |
| Interest-bearing loans and         |     1 393.4 |     1 547.7 |     1 287.2 |
| borrowings                         |             |             |             |
| Provisions                         |         0.0 |         0.3 |         0.0 |
| Other liabilities                  |        37.7 |        41.5 |        30.5 |
| Deferred tax liabilities           |       193.4 |       207.6 |       193.8 |
| Total non-current liabilities      |     1 624.5 |     1 797.1 |     1 511.4 |
| Current liabilities                |             |             |             |
| Current interest-bearing loans and |       217.0 |       266.6 |       310.6 |
| borrowings                         |             |             |             |
| Trade and other payables           |        51.5 |        79.3 |        54.5 |
| Total current liabilities          |       268.5 |       345.9 |       365.2 |
| Total liabilities                  |     1 893.0 |     2 143.0 |     1 876.6 |
| Total shareholders' equity and     |     2 985.1 |     3 048.4 |     2 990.2 |
| liabilities                        |             |             |             |
| Interest-bearing liabilities       |     1 610.4 |     1 814.4 |     1 597.8 |

Consolidated statement of cash flows (IFRS)                                     
|                                  |     1-3/2010 |      1-3/2009 |  1-12/2009 |
| Cash flow from operating         |              |               |            |
| activities                       |              |               |            |
| Net profit/loss for the period   |         14.5 |         -91.9 |      -81.6 |
| Adjustments                      |         22.2 |         131.3 |      243.4 |
| Change in net working capital    |         -4.8 |          13.0 |       19.1 |
| Interest received                |          0.2 |           0.1 |        1.2 |
| Interest paid                    |        -11.9 |         -26.7 |      -78.4 |
| Other financial items            |         -3.5 |          -0.6 |       -5.1 |
| Dividends received               |          0.0 |           0.5 |        0.0 |
| Dividends received from          |            - |             - |        0.5 |
| associated companies             |              |               |            |
| Taxes received/paid              |         -0.6 |          -0.5 |       -3.0 |
| Net cash from operating          |         16.1 |          25.2 |       96.0 |
| activities                       |              |               |            |
| Cash flow from investing         |              |               |            |
| activities                       |              |               |            |
| Investments in investment        |        -10.1 |         -27.2 |      -77.2 |
| properties                       |              |               |            |
| Investments in real estate funds |          0.0 |          -2.9 |       -3.9 |
| Investments in tangible and      |          0.0 |          -0.2 |       -0.3 |
| intangible assets                |              |               |            |
| Proceeds from sale of investment |         10.6 |          16.9 |       40.6 |
| properties                       |              |               |            |
| Proceeds from sale of intangible |            - |             - |          - |
| and tangible assets              |              |               |            |
| Repayment of loan receivables    |            - |             - |        0.0 |
| Net cash from investing          |          0.4 |         -13.5 |      -40.8 |
| activities                       |              |               |            |
| Cash flow from financing         |              |               |            |
| activities                       |              |               |            |
| Proceeds from share issue        |            - |             - |      200.2 |
| Non-current loans, raised        |        150.0 |           3.9 |       91.2 |
| Non-current loans, repayments    |       -100.2 |          -0.2 |     -248.0 |
| Current loans, raised /          |        -36.0 |         -17.8 |      -73.7 |
| repayments                       |              |               |            |
| Interest paid on equity bond     |            - |             - |      -11.4 |
| Dividends paid                   |        -33.3 |             - |          - |
| Net cash from financing          |        -19.5 |         -14.1 |      -41.7 |
| activities                       |              |               |            |
| Change in cash and cash          |         -3.0 |          -2.4 |       13.6 |
| equivalents                      |              |               |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents, start |         29.1 |          16.0 |       16.0 |
| of period                        |              |               |            |
| Impact of changes in exchange    |          1.1 |          -0.9 |       -0.5 |
| rates                            |              |               |            |
| Cash and cash equivalents, end   |         27.2 |          12.7 |       29.1 |
| of period                        |              |               |            |

Changes in Group shareholders' equity                                           
|   |             | Share |    Share | Transla- |   Fair | Revalua- | Invested |
|   |             | capit |  premium |     tion |  value |     tion | non-rest |
|   |             |    al |  reserve | differe  | reserv | reserve  |   ricted |
|   |             |       |          |     nces |      e |          |   equity |
|   |             |       |          |          |        |          |  reserve |
| Equity at 31    | 111.0 |    159.5 |     -1.4 |  -19.7 |      0.6 |    209.7 |
| Dec. 2008       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Comprehensive   |       |          |      2.0 |  -13.0 |          |          |
| income in       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| period          |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Change          |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Equity at 31    | 111.0 |    159.5 |      0.6 |  -32.7 |      0.6 |    209.7 |
| Mar. 2009       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
|   |             | Other | Retained |    Total | Minori |    Total |          |
|   |             | equit | earnings |          |     ty |  shareho |          |
|   |             |     y |          |          | holdin |   lders' |          |
|   |             | reser |          |          |      g |   equity |          |
|   |             |    ve |          |          |        |          |          |
| Equity at 31    | 129.0 |    418.4 |  1 007.1 |    1.8 |  1 008.9 |          |
| Dec. 2008       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Comprehensive   |       |    -91.9 |   -102.9 |        |   -102.9 |          |
| income in       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| period          |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Change          |       |     -0.6 |     -0.6 |    0.0 |     -0.6 |          |
| Equity at 31    | 129.0 |    325.9 |    903.7 |    1.7 |    905.4 |          |
| Mar. 2009       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
|   |             | Share |    Share | Transla- |   Fair | Revalua- | Invested |
|   |             | capit |  premium |     tion |  value |     tion | non-rest |
|   |             |    al |  reserve | differen | reserv | reserve  |  ricted  |
|   |             |       |          |      ces |      e |          |   equity |
|   |             |       |          |          |        |          |  reserve |
| Equity at 31    | 111.0 |    159.5 |     -0.9 |  -27.4 |      0.6 |    412.0 |
| Dec. 2009       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Comprehensive   |       |          |      1.5 |   -4.0 |          |          |
| income in       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| period          |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Change          |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Equity at 31    | 111.0 |    159.5 |      0.5 |  -31.5 |      0.6 |    412.0 |
| Mar. 2010       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
|   |             | Other | Retained |    Total | Minori |    Total |          |
|   |             | equit | earnings |          |     ty |  shareho |          |
|   |             |     y |          |          | holdin |   lders' |          |
|   |             | reser |          |          |      g |   equity |          |
|   |             |    ve |          |          |        |          |          |
| Equity at 31    | 129.0 |    328.0 |  1 111.7 |    1.8 |  1 113.6 |          |
| Dec. 2009       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Comprehensive   |       |     14.5 |     11.9 |        |     11.9 |          |
| income in       |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| period          |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Dividend        |       |    -33.3 |    -33.3 |    0.0 |    -33.3 |          |
| payment         |       |          |          |        |          |          |
| Equity at 31    | 129.0 |    309.1 |  1 090.2 |    1.8 |  1 092.0 |          |
| Mar. 2010       |       |          |          |        |          |          |

Notes to the consolidated financial statements                                  

Accounting principles                                                           

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim        
Financial Reporting, applying the same accounting principles as those used for  
the 2009 financial statements. Current IFRS standards and interpretations have  
been applied when preparing the interim report.                                 

The amended and revised standards and interpretations that came into effect at  
the beginning of 2010 do not have a significant impact on the interim report or 
the accounting principles.                                                      

The figures in the interim report are presented in millions of euros and have   
been rounded to the nearest 0.1 million euro, so the total of the individual    
figures may differ from the total amounts given.                                

The figures in the interim report have not been audited.                        

Income statement by segments                                                    
| Income     | Office  | Shop- | Logi | Prop | Russi | Funds  | Other | Group  |
| statement  | &       | ping  |  sti |  ert | a     |        |       | total  |
| 1-3/2010   | Retail  | centr | cs   | y    |       |        |       |        |
|            |         | es    |      | deve |       |        |       |        |
|            |         |       |      | -lop |       |        |       |        |
|            |         |       |      | -men |       |        |       |        |
|            |         |       |      | t    |       |        |       |        |
| Total      |    30.3 |  10.0 |  9.4 |  0.6 |   5.6 |    3.2 |   0.0 |   59.1 |
| revenue    |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Maintenanc |    -9.0 |  -2.3 | -3.6 | -0.5 |  -1.5 |   -0.3 |   0.0 |  -17.2 |
| e expenses |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| and direct |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| fund       |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| expenses   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Net        |    21.3 |   7.7 |  5.7 |  0.1 |   4.1 |    2.9 |   0.0 |   41.9 |
| operating  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| income     |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Profit on  |     1.2 |   0.0 |  0.0 |  0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    1.3 |
| sale of    |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| investment |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| properties |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Loss on    |     0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 |  0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |
| sale of    |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| investment |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| properties |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Profit/los |     0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 |  0.2 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.3 |
| s on sale  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| of trading |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| properties |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Valuation  |    -5.4 |  -1.3 | -0.8 |  0.1 |   6.3 |   -0.4 |   0.0 |   -1.6 |
| gains and  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| losses     |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Administra |    -1.5 |  -0.3 | -0.2 | -0.7 |  -0.8 |   -1.3 |   0.0 |   -4.9 |
| tion and   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| marketing  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Other      |     0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 | -0.5 |  -0.2 |    0.0 |   0.0 |   -0.6 |
| operating  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| income and |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| expenses   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Operating  |    15.6 |   6.0 |  4.8 | -0.8 |   9.5 |    1.2 |   0.0 |   36.3 |
| profit     |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Capital    |     5.4 |   0.0 |  0.5 |  4.1 |   0.1 |    0.0 |   0.0 |   10.1 |
| expenditur |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| e          |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Segment    | 1 419.4 | 542.3 | 395. | 240. | 188.0 |   55.8 | 143.9 |      2 |
| assets     |         |       |    5 |    2 |       |        |       |  985.1 |
| Income     | Office  | Shopp | Logi | Prop | Russi | Funds  | Other | Group  |
| statement  | &       | ing   |  sti |  ert | a     |        |       | total  |
| 1-3/2009   | Retail  | centr | cs   | y    |       |        |       |        |
|            |         | es    |      | deve |       |        |       |        |
|            |         |       |      | lop- |       |        |       |        |
|            |         |       |      | ment |       |        |       |        |
| Total      |    32.8 |   8.3 | 10.4 |  0.4 |   5.7 |    3.1 |   0.0 |   60.6 |
| revenue    |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Maintenanc |    -8.7 |  -2.0 | -3.2 |  0.0 |  -1.3 |   -0.4 |   0.0 |  -15.6 |
| e expenses |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| and direct |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| fund       |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| expenses   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Net        |    24.1 |   6.3 |  7.2 |  0.4 |   4.4 |    2.6 |   0.0 |   45.0 |
| operating  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| income     |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Profit on  |     0.2 |   0.0 |  0.0 |  0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.2 |
| sale of    |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| investment |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| properties |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Loss on    |     0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 |  0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |    0.0 |
| sale of    |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| investment |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| properties |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Profit/los |     0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 | -0.2 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |   -0.2 |
| s on sale  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| of trading |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| properties |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Valuation  |   -31.4 |  -7.5 | -14. | -0.2 | -63.3 |    0.0 |   0.0 | -117.3 |
| gains and  |         |       |    9 |      |       |        |       |        |
| losses     |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Administra |    -1.5 |  -0.3 | -0.3 | -0.9 |  -0.9 |   -1.5 |   0.0 |   -5.4 |
| tion and   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| marketing  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Other      |     0.0 |   0.0 |  0.0 | -0.1 |   0.0 |    0.0 |   0.0 |   -0.1 |
| operating  |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| income and |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| expenses   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Operating  |    -8.6 |  -1.5 | -8.0 | -1.0 | -59.8 |    1.1 |   0.0 |  -77.8 |
| profit     |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Capital    |     3.1 |  12.8 |  0.4 |  3.9 |   0.4 |    2.9 |   0.1 |   23.6 |
| expenditur |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| e          |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Segment    | 1 436.2 | 546.9 | 431. | 207. | 198.6 |   63.5 | 164.7 |      3 |
| assets     |         |       |    5 |    0 |       |        |       |  048.4 |
| Geographic |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| al areas   |         |       |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|   31 March |  Income | Asset |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|       2010 |         |     s |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Finland    |    53.5 |     2 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|            |         | 797.1 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Russia     |     5.6 | 188.0 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Total      |    59.1 |     2 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|            |         | 985.1 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|   31 March |  Income | Asset |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|       2009 |         |     s |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Finland    |    54.9 |     2 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|            |         | 849.8 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Russia     |     5.7 | 198.6 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
| Total      |    60.6 |     3 |      |      |       |        |       |        |
|            |         | 048.4 |      |      |       |        |       |        |

Direct and indirect result                                                      

The direct result represents the result from the Group's core business. The     
direct result is calculated by adjusting the figures in the consolidated income 
statement for changes in the fair value of properties and financial instruments,
profit/loss on the sale of properties, amortization of goodwill and other such  
income and expenses that the Company considers are indirect items.              

| M€                                     |  1-3/2010 |   1-3/2009 |  1-12/2009 |
| Direct result                          |           |            |            |
|   | Net operating income               |      41.9 |       45.0 |      181.6 |
|   | Marketing and administration       |      -4.9 |       -5.4 |      -22.0 |
|   | Other income and expenses for      |      -0.4 |        0.2 |       -1.1 |
|   | business operations                |           |            |            |
|   | Financial income and expenses      |     -15.3 |      -19.9 |      -68.7 |
|   | Taxes based on direct result       |      -0.9 |       -0.4 |       -3.2 |
|   | Deferred taxes based on direct     |      -4.7 |       -8.6 |      -19.1 |
|   | result                             |           |            |            |
|   | Minority holding share of direct   |       0.0 |        0.0 |        0.0 |
|   | result                             |           |            |            |
| Total                                  |      15,6 |       10.9 |       67.4 |
| Indirect result                        |           |            |            |
|   | Profit/loss on sale of investment  |       1.3 |        0.2 |        0.3 |
|   | properties                         |           |            |            |
|   | Valuation gains and losses         |      -1.6 |     -117.3 |     -175.1 |
|   | Profit/loss on sale of trading     |       0.3 |       -0.2 |        4.0 |
|   | properties                         |           |            |            |
|   | Administration and marketing       |       0.0 |        0.0 |        0.0 |
|   | Other income and expenses for      |      -0.3 |       -0.3 |       -1.0 |
|   | business operations                |           |            |            |
|   | Financial income and expenses      |      -1.3 |        0.9 |        3,7 |
|   | Taxes based on indirect result     |      -0.1 |        0.1 |        0,0 |
|   | Deferred taxes based on indirect   |       0.5 |       13.8 |       19,0 |
|   | result                             |           |            |            |
|   | Minority holding share of indirect |       0.0 |        0.0 |        0,1 |
|   | result                             |           |            |            |
| Total                                  |      -1,1 |     -102.8 |     -148.9 |

Quarterly key figures                                                           

|                        | Q1/2010 |  Q4/2009 |  Q3/2009 |  Q2/2009 |  Q1/2009 |
| Total revenue          |    59.1 |     59.8 |     60.8 |     61.8 |     60.6 |
| Net operating income   |    41.9 |     44.6 |     47.2 |     44.8 |     45.0 |
| Change in fair value   |    -1.6 |    -14.4 |    -31.4 |    -12.0 |   -117.3 |
| of properties          |         |          |          |          |          |
| Operating profit       |    36.3 |     23.5 |     13.1 |     27.9 |    -77.8 |
| Financial income and   |   -16.6 |    -15.4 |    -16.4 |    -14.2 |    -19.0 |
| expenses               |         |          |          |          |          |
| Profit/loss for period |    14.5 |      6.3 |     -6.1 |     10.1 |    -91.9 |
| Investment properties  | 2 768.1 |  2 767.5 |  2 768.8 |  2 786.2 |  2 802.8 |
| Shareholders' equity   | 1 092.0 |  1 113.6 |  1 102.5 |  1 112.1 |    905.4 |
| Interest-bearing       | 1 610.4 |  1 597.8 |  1 619.2 |  1 633.1 |  1 814.4 |
| liabilities            |         |          |          |          |          |
| Earnings per share, €  |    0.05 |     0.02 |    -0.02 |     0.05 |    -0.52 |
| Cash flow from         |    0.08 |     0.07 |     0.10 |     0.19 |     0.18 |
| operations per share   |         |          |          |          |          |
| EPRA NAV               |    4.10 |     4.18 |     4.14 |     4.20 |     5.42 |
| Economic occupancy     |    86.2 |     86.6 |     86.8 |     88.4 |     88.8 |
| rate, %                |         |          |          |          |          |

Investment properties                                                           
|                                            |      31.3.2010 |     31.12.2009 |
| Fair value of investment properties, start |        2 767.5 |        2 915.5 |
| of period                                  |                |                |
| Purchase of investment properties          |            0.0 |            0.0 |
| Other capital expenditure on investment    |           10.1 |           53.4 |
| properties                                 |                |                |
| Disposal of investment properties          |           -9.3 |          -40.3 |
| Transfers to/from property, plant and      |            0.0 |            0.0 |
| equipment                                  |                |                |
| Transfers from trading properties          |            0.0 |            2.0 |
| Other transfers                            |            0.0 |            0.0 |
| Capitalized equity expenses, increase in   |            1.1 |            3.7 |
| period                                     |                |                |
| Valuation gains/losses                     |           -1.2 |         -166.8 |
| Fair value of investment properties, end   |        2 768.1 |        2 767.5 |
| of period                                  |                |                |

On 31 March 2010 Sponda had a total of 195 properties, with an aggregate        
leasable area of about 1.5 million m². Of this some 52 % is office and retail   
premises, 9 % shopping centres and 36 % logistics premises. Some 3 % of the     
leasable area of the properties is located in Russia.                           

The fair values of Sponda's investment properties are confirmed through the     
company's own cash flow based yield assessment calculation. The valuation method
complies with international valuation standards (IVS). The entire material used 
in calculating the fair values of properties is examined at least twice a year  
by an external expert, to ensure that the parameters and values used in the     
calculation are based on market observations.                                   

At the end of the first quarter of 2010 the values of Sponda's investment       
properties were valued internally within the company. The change in the fair    
value of the investment properties in January - March was EUR -1.2 million (31  
March 2009: -117.3 million) and of the investment in the real estate funds EUR  
-0.4 (0.0) million. In the first quarter of the year, the main factor affecting 
the fair value was mainly the increase in maintenance costs. At the end of March
the fair values of the properties owned by the First Top LuxCo real estate fund 
were assessed by Kiinteistötaito Peltola & Co and Jones Lang LaSalle.           

The Group's most significant investment commitments                             

In the City-Center project, construction began of the office building in the    
inner court of the complex, and new retail premises are being built on the first
and second floors of the retail complex and in place of the parking deck on the 
third floor. Construction of the underground service facilities is also         
underway. It is estimated that the City-Center renovation will be completed in  
2012 and that the total investment will be some EUR 125 million.                

Sponda is building some 22,000 m² of production premises in Hakkila, Vantaa,    
that is being leased in its entirety to Metso Automation. Sponda is also leasing
to Metso some 12,000 square metres of office and warehouse premises in the      
adjacent Honkatalo office building, and these will be completely refurbished.   
Sponda's total investment is estimated at about EUR 40 million.                 

Sponda is developing the Ratina shopping centre in Tampere and carrying out     
development projects in adjacent areas. A 55,000 m² shopping centre is planned  
for the area, for which the total investment cost is estimated at EUR 200       
million. The final decision about the investment has not been made.             

Property, plant and equipment                                                   
|                                               |    31.3.2010 |     31.3.2009 |
| Carrying amount, start of period              |         14.3 |          14.5 |
| Additions                                     |          0.0 |           0.2 |
| Disposals                                     |          0.0 |             - |
| Reclassifications to/from investment          |            - |             - |
| properties                                    |              |               |
| Other transfers                               |            - |             - |
| Depreciation for the period                   |         -0.2 |          -0.1 |
| Carrying amount, end of period                |         14.1 |          14.7 |
|                                               |    31.3.2010 |     31.3.2009 |
| Trading properties                            |              |               |
| Carrying amount, start of period              |         22.8 |          29.5 |
| Disposals and other changes                   |         -0.1 |          -0.1 |
| Increases                                     |            - |             - |
| Reclassifications to investment properties    |            - |             - |
| Carrying amount, end of period                |         22.8 |          29.4 |

Contingent liabilities                                                          
Collateral and commitments given by the Group                                   
|                                                 |   31.3.2010 |    31.3.2009 |
| Loans from financial institutions, covered by   |       141.2 |         54.1 |
| collateral                                      |             |              |
| Mortgages                                       |       269.2 |        109.1 |
| Book value of pledged shares                    |        17.9 |         17.0 |
| Guarantees                                      |           - |         57.6 |
| Total collateral                                |       287.0 |        183.7 |
| Lease and other liabilities                     |             |              |
| M€                                              |             |              |
| Lease liabilities                               |       102.5 |         99.8 |
| Other liabilities                               |             |              |
| Mortgages                                       |         2.9 |          2.9 |
| Guarantees                                      |        15.8 |         13.4 |
| Investment commitments to real estate funds     |        18.3 |         19.3 |
| Interest derivatives                            |   31.3.2010 |    31.3.2009 |
| Swap contracts, notional value                  |     1 012.8 |        915.0 |
| Swap contracts, fair value                      |       -42.6 |        -44.5 |
| Cap options purchased, notional value           |       532.5 |        272.5 |
| Cap options purchased, fair value               |         1.7 |          0.4 |
| Forward rate agreements, notional value         |           - |            - |
| Forward rate agreements, fair value             |           - |            - |
| Currency derivatives                            |   31.3.2010 |    31.3.2009 |
|  Currency forwards, notional value              |           - |          2.6 |
|  Currency forwards, fair value                  |           - |         -0.1 |
|  Currency options, bought, notional value       |         5.2 |          2.7 |
|  Currency options, put, notional value          |         5.2 |          2.7 |
|  Net fair value of currency options             |        -0.2 |          0.0 |

Key figures                                                                     
|                                      |   1-3/2010 |   1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Earnings per share, €                |       0.05 |     -0.52* |       -0.35 |
| Equity ratio, %                      |         37 |         30 |          37 |
| Gearing, %                           |        145 |        199 |         141 |
| Equity per share, €                  |       3.46 |      4.35* |        3.54 |
| Cash flow from operations per share, |       0.08 |       0.18 |        0.45 |
| €                                    |            |            |             |
| EPRA, NAV, net assets per share, €   |       4.10 |       5.42 |        4.18 |

*) Per share figures have been adjusted in consequence of the share issue in the
second quarter of 2009, in accordance with IAS 33.                              

Calculation of financial ratios                                                 

| Earnings/share, €       | =  |       | Share of profit/loss for the period   |
|                         |    |       | attributable to equity holders of the |
|                         |    |       | parent company                        |
|                         |    |       | Adjusted average number of shares     |
|                         |    |       | during the period                     |
| =  |          | Share of profit/loss for the period attributable to equity   |
|    |          | holders of the parent company                                |
|    |          | - interest on hybrid loan for the period                     |
|    |          | Adjusted average number of shares during the period          |
| Earnings/share          |                                                    |
| attributable to equity  |                                                    |
| holders, €              |                                                    |
| =  |          | Interest on hybrid bond for the period                       |
|    |          | Adjusted average number of shares during the period          |
| Earnings per share      |                                                    |
| attributable to holders |                                                    |
| of hybrid bond, €       |                                                    |
| Equity ratio, %         | =  | 100 x | Shareholders' equity                  |
|                         |    |       | Balance sheet total - advances        |
|                         |    |       | received                              |
| Gearing, %              | =  | 100 x | Interest-bearing liabilities          |
|                         |    |       | - cash and cash equivalents           |
|                         |    |       | Shareholders' equity                  |
| Equity/share, €         | =  |       | Equity attributable to equity holders |
|                         |    |       | of parent company on 31 March         |
|                         |    |       | - Other equity reserve                |
|                         |    |       | Basic number of shares on 31 March    |
| Cash flow from          | =  |       | Operating profit                      |
| operations/ share, €    |    |       |                                       |
|                         |    |       |  -/+ Valuation gains and losses       |
|                         |    |       | + Allocation of goodwill              |
|                         |    |       | + Depreciation in administration      |
|                         |    |       | +/- Changes in provisions             |
|                         |    |       | +/- Defined benefit pension expenses  |
|                         |    |       | - Financial income & expenses         |
|                         |    |       | affecting cash flow                   |
|                         |    |       | - Taxes affecting cash flow           |
|                         |    |       | +/- Other items                       |
|                         |    |       | Average adjusted number of shares     |
|                         |    |       | during the period                     |
| EPRA NAV, net           | =  |       | Equity attributable to equity holders |
| assets/share, €         |    |       | of parent company                     |
|                         |    |       | - Other equity reserve                |
|                         |    |       | + Deferred tax relating to the fair   |
|                         |    |       | valuation of property and to property |
|                         |    |       | depreciation allowances               |
|                         |    |       | - Goodwill relating to deferred tax   |
|                         |    |       | liability                             |
|                         |    |       | Basic number of shares on 31 March    |

Related party transactions                                                      

The following transactions took place with related parties:                     

Rental income from state institutions and companies totalled EUR 5.6 million in 
January - March 2010 (2009: EUR 5.5 million).                                   

| Management employee benefits             |          |           |            |
|                                          |  31.3.10 |   31.3.09 |   31.12.09 |
| Salaries and other short-term employee   |      0.5 |       0.4 |        2.2 |
| benefits                                 |          |           |            |
| Share-based payments                     |      0.1 |       0.1 |        0.4 |
| Total                                    |      0.6 |       0.5 |        2.6 |


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