Final result of Geveko's rights issue

Gothenburg, Sweden, May 5, 2010

The final result of Geveko's rights issue shows that 12,427,567 shares, of which
2,159,976 A-shares and 10,267,591 B-shares, representing a total of
approximately 98.2 percent of the offered shares, were subscribed for with
subscription rights. The 231,032 shares, of which 24 A-shares and 231,008
B-shares, that were not subscribed for with subscription rights have been
allocated to persons who have applied for subscription of shares with subsidiary
preferential right, according to the principles outlined in the prospectus.
Through the rights issue Geveko will receive proceeds amounting to approximately
MSEK 165 before issue costs.

Through the rights issue Geveko's share capital increases by SEK 151,903,188 to
SEK 202,537,584 (after reduction of share capital resolved at Geveko´s
Extraordinary General Meeting on March 31, 2010). The number of shares in Geveko
will increase by 12,658,599, of which 2,160,000 A-shares and 10,498,599
B-shares. Post the rights issue, the total number of shares will amount to
16,878,132, of which 2,880,000 A-shares and 13,998,132 B-shares.

New B-shares subscribed for with subscription rights are expected to be
registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office ("SCRO") on May
6, 2010 and are expected to start trading on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm on May
7, 2010. B-shares subscribed for with subsidiary preferential rights are
expected to be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office
("SCRO") around May 19, 2010 and are expected to start trading on May 20, 2010.
A-shares are not listed.

Questions are answered by:

Hans Ljungkvist, CEO and Managing Director

Telephone: +46 (0) 31 172 945

Mobile: +46 (0) 70 537 1110

AB Geveko (publ)

SE-403 13 Gothenburg, Sweden

Corp Identity No. 556024-6844

Telephone: +46 (0) 31 172 945 <>

The information in this pressrelease is such that AB Geveko is required to

publish under the terms of the Securities Market Act and/or the Act concerning

Trading in Financial Instruments. The information was released for publication

at 10.30 on May 5, 2010.


This press release cannot be made public or distributed, directly or indirectly,
in the United States, Canada, Japan, or Australia. No information in this press
release should be viewed as an offer to invest or otherwise trade in the shares
in AB Geveko. The proposed offerings will not be directed at people from or
residing in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, or any other country
where participation requires additional prospectus or any other documentation of
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                     AB GEVEKO (publ) 556024-6844

   Box 2137, 403 13 Gothenburg, Telephone +46 (0) 31 172 945,
        <>, <>



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