Adjustment to the I quarter 2010 results

Management Board will propose the annual general meeting of shareholders to
approve the emission price of 12.0 kroons (0.77 euros) per share. 

Updated text follows:

BALTIKA'S FINANCIAL RESULTS, 1 QUARTER 2010                                     

Despite a decline in sales, Baltika Group succeeded in reducing the loss for the
first quarter of 2010 by a half compared with the first quarter of 2009. The    
Group's performance in the first quarter of 2010 was still influenced by the    
economic crisis prevailing in its principal markets. On the other hand, the     
Group's first quarter market results provide an indication of different markets'
prospects for exiting the crisis. In the Baltic region, the year-over-year      
shortfall was the smallest in Estonia (-7%) and the greatest in Lithuania       
(-29%). The home market that was the first to be hit by the crisis has also the 
potential to be the first to exit the crisis. Lithuania followed Estonia last   
year with around a six-month interval and the same may be true about recovery.  
Latvian sales have also tumbled (-28%) but thanks to the biggest cutback in     
operating expenses at the level of stores the net result was positive. The      
Eastern European markets have started recovering at a surprising speed (which   
may partly be attributed to the strengthening of the local currencies). The     
Russian market ended the first quarter with sales comparable to a year ago (-5%)
and Ukraine reached practically break-even point at the level of stores. On the 
whole, at the level of stores the retail system of Baltika Group more or less   
broke even in the first quarter.                                                

Although the crisis is receding, the company's performance should still be      
evaluated based on the dynamics of the three main factors that reflect          
adaptation to the crisis. These are developments in sales, margins and operating

Baltika's sales for the first quarter were still smaller than a year ago but the
shortfall has been decreasing on a quarterly basis (since the third quarter of  
last year - Q3 2009: -33%; Q4 2009: -28%; Q1 2010: -20%) and on a monthly basis 
(since November 2009 - November: -32%; December: -26%; January: -22%; February: 
-20%; and March: -16%). The restructuring of the retail system continues. Since 
the beginning of this year, the Group has closed five stores and the retail area
operated by the Group has decreased by approximately 2% compared with the first 
quarter of 2009.                                                                

Baltika Group's gross margin for the first quarter was 46%, reflecting a slight 
improvement on the 43% posted a year ago. The gross margin for the retail system
was 50% (Q1 2009: 41%). Higher profitability results from a better inventory    
structure, more favourable purchasing margins, an upward price correction in the
Russian and Ukrainian markets and smaller discounts in the Baltic countries and 
Central Europe.                                                                 

Distribution and administrative expenses for the first quarter decreased by 16%,
i.e. 22.9 million kroons (1.5 million euros), year-over-year. Expenses for the  
first quarter of 2010 totalled 119.8 million kroons (7.7 million euros) against 
142.7 million kroons (9.1 million euros) incurred in the first quarter of 2009. 

In the final phase of the economic crisis, Baltika's ongoing adaptation process 
is aimed at achieving two main goals:                                           
- exploiting the crisis as an opportunity for streamlining the Group's business 
model; and                                                                      
- strengthening the Group's financial position that has been seriously weakened 
by the crisis.                                                                  

In order to fully achieve the first goal, Baltika has involved in the strategic 
planning process the international strategy consultancy Roland Berger. In       
partnership with the consultants, the Group will create by the summer a new     
growth strategy for the next 3 to 5 years that will provide tools for maximising
the potential of Baltika's retail markets and brands and enhancing the          
efficiency of its business model.                                               

The package for strengthening the Group's financial position consists of four   
- disposing of assets not directly related to the core business (during the     
first quarter the Group disposed of an industrial property at Ahtme, at the end 
of March the Group sold its coat manufacturing operation in Rakvere and in the  
second quarter the Group will divest a manufacturing property in Rakvere);      
- negotiating better settlement terms and price concessions from the suppliers; 
- restructuring the existing loan portfolio through negotiations with banks;    
- increasing share capital through a share issue. The management board will     
propose that the annual general meeting increase the company's share capital by 
up to ca 9 million shares by a private placement, the price is 12.0 kroons (0.77
euros) per share. Emission is supported by main shareholders. 

Management believes that the implementation of the above package by July this   
year will ensure the sustainability of Baltika's financial position until the   
end of the economic crisis.                                                     

Baltika Group ended the first quarter of 2010 with revenue of 172.9 million     
kroons (11.1 million euros), a 22% decrease year-over-year.                     

Revenue by business segment                                                     
| EEK million                |        Q1 2010 |        Q1 2009 |           +/- |
| Retail                     |          155.3 |          193.5 |          -20% |
| Wholesale                  |           16.1 |           27.3 |          -41% |
| Other                      |            1.5 |            0.2 |          650% |
| Total                      |          172.9 |          221.0 |          -22% |

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK                                                             

Owing to the general economic downturn and shrinkage in consumption, the Group's
first quarter retail revenue decreased by 20% year-over-year to 155.3 million   
kroons (9.9 million euros). In the Baltic region, retail revenue decreased by   
21%, in Eastern Europe by 13% and in Central Europe by 50%.                     

Retail sales by market                                                          
| EEK million       |    Q1 2010 |    Q1 2009 |       +/- |     Percentage, Q1 |
|                   |            |            |           |               2010 |
| Estonia           |       38.5 |       41.5 |       -7% |                25% |
| Russia            |       34.8 |       36.7 |       -5% |                22% |
| Lithuania         |       33.2 |       46.6 |      -29% |                21% |
| Ukraine           |       24.8 |       32.2 |      -23% |                16% |
| Latvia            |       18.6 |       25.7 |      -28% |                12% |
| Poland            |        5.4 |        7.1 |      -24% |                 4% |
| Czech Republic    |        0.0 |        3.7 |     -100% |                 0% |
| Total             |      155.3 |      193.5 |      -20% |               100% |

1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK                                                             

In terms of brands, the main retail revenue contributor was Monton whose first  
quarter sales totalled 81.8 million kroons (5.2 million euros), a 22% decrease  
year-over-year. Mosaic generated revenue of 52.6 million kroons (3.4 million    
euros), 22% down from a year ago. Retail sales of Baltman totalled 10.8 million 
kroons (0.7 million euros), a 17% decrease year-over-year, and retail sales of  
Ivo Nikkolo amounted to 9.7 million kroons (0.6 million euros), 11% up on a year
ago. Monton accounted for 53% of the Group's retail revenue while Mosaic        
contributed 34%, Baltman 7% and Ivo Nikkolo 6%.                                 

STORES AND SALES AREA                                                           
At the end of the first quarter of 2010, Baltika had 131 stores in six countries
and a total sales area of 26,178 square metres. In the first quarter, the Group 
opened three stores - one in Latvia and two in Estonia, and closed five stores -
three in Ukraine and two in Russia. Compared with the first quarter of 2009, the
number of stores declined by two and the average sales area shrank by 2%.       

Stores by market                                                                
|                                    |       31.03.2010 |           31.03.2009 |
| Lithuania                          |               36 |                   33 |
| Estonia                            |               32 |                   31 |
| Russia                             |               23 |                   23 |
| Ukraine                            |               20 |                   22 |
| Latvia                             |               15 |                   16 |
| Poland                             |                5 |                    6 |
| Czech Republic                     |                0 |                    2 |
| Total stores                       |              131 |                  133 |
| Total sales area, sqm              |           26,178 |               27,042 |

Wholesale of Baltika's collections accounted for 9% or 16.1 million kroons (1.0 
million euros) of the Group's consolidated revenues for the first quarter of    
2010, a 41% decrease compared with the first quarter of 2009. The decline in    
wholesale revenue is largely attributable to developments in the Russian market 
where in the second quarter of 2009 a wholesale partner's seven stores were     
taken over and integrated into Baltika's retail system. The impact of the       
transaction on the Group's first quarter revenue was +12 million kroons (0.8    
million euros).                                                                 

EARNINGS AND MARGINS                                                            
The Group's performance in the first quarter of 2010 continued to be influenced 
by the economic downturn that has weakened the consumers' purchasing power.     
Compared with the first quarter of 2009, the Group's revenue decreased by 48.2  
million kroons (3.1 million euros), i.e. by 22%.                                

Compared with the last quarter of 2009, Baltika's distribution and              
administrative expenses decreased by a total of 16.9 million kroons (1.1 million
euros). The inventory level remained at the level achieved in the previous      
quarter: the ratio of total inventories to a square meter of the retail system  
rose by 0.4% to 7,027 kroons (449 euros) per square metre.                      

In the first quarter of 2010, the Group's performance was positively influenced 
by favourable movements in the exchange rates. According to the exchange rates  
of the Bank of Estonia, compared with 2009 the average exchange rates for the   
first quarter strengthened as follows: the Polish zloty 12% and the Russian     
rouble 7%. At the same time, the US dollar and the Ukrainian hryvnia weakened by
6% and 5% respectively.                                                         

The Group's first quarter gross margin was 46% (Q1 2009: 43%). Gross profit     
amounted to 80.2 million kroons (5.1 million euros), a decrease of 14.7 million 
kroons (0.9 million euros) compared with a year ago. The gross margin for the   
retail system improved significantly compared with the first quarter of 2009,   
rising to 50% (Q1 2009: 41%). This was achieved by negotiating more favourable  
purchasing margins, cutting operating expenses and adjusting sales prices in    
markets where the exchange rates had declined. Compared with the first quarter  
of the previous year, production expenses decreased by around 30%, i.e. 8.1     
million kroons (0.5 million euros). In the future, production volumes will      
decrease in connection with the sale of the Rakvere workshop of AS Virulane.    

Through a cost-cutting programme implemented in 2009, the Group's distribution  
costs for the first quarter of 2010 decreased by 22.7 million kroons (1.4       
million euros) year-over-year to 108.7 million kroons (6.9 million euros). In   
the retail system, lease expenses per square metre dropped by 18% on average and
personnel expenses declined by 8%. At the same time, the size of the retail     
system decreased by 2%.                                                         

On the whole, at the level of stores the retail system incurred a moderate loss 
(0.3 million kroons/0.02 million euros) but the result was 19.6 million kroons  
(1.2 million euros) better than the one for the first quarter of 2009.          

Administrative and general expenses totalled 11.1 million kroons (0.7 million   
euros), a decrease of 0.2 million kroons (0.01 million euros) compared with the 
first quarter of 2009.                                                          

The Group's operating loss for the first quarter of 2010 was 31.4 million kroons
(2.0 million euros) against 55.1 million kroons (3.5 million euros) incurred in 
the first quarter of 2009.                                                      

Net financial income amounted to 0.3 million kroons (0.02 million euros), a 96% 
improvement on the net financial expense incurred in the first quarter of 2009. 
Financial expenses have decreased because the decrease in the exchange rates of 
several currencies has been replaced by an increase. Net foreign exchange gain  
for the first quarter of 2010 amounted to 3.3 million kroons (0.2 million euros)
whereas in the first quarter of 2009 the Group incurred a net exchange loss of  
4.2 million kroons (0.3 million euros). A significant portion of financial      
expenses is made up of interest expense (3.6 million kroons/0.2 million euros)  
that grew by 16% year-over year. Interest expense has been influenced by a      
decrease in EURIBOR and growth in borrowings.                                   

Baltika ended the first quarter of 2010 with a net loss of 32.0 million kroons  
(2.6 million euros). For comparison, the Group's net loss for the first quarter 
of 2009 was 62.6 million kroons (4.0 million euros).                            

FINANCIAL POSITION                                                              
As at 31 March 2010, Baltika's consolidated assets totalled 684.8 million kroons
(43.8 million euros), a 2% decrease compared with the previous year-end.        

Compared with 31 December 2009, trade and other receivables increased by 12.0   
million kroons (0.8 million euros) to 66.9 million kroons (4.3 million euros).  
The growth in receivables can be explained by an increase in prepaid taxes and  
the sale of the MasCara and Herold brands of AS Virulane as well as some        
non-current assets.                                                             

At the end of the first quarter, inventories totalled 184.0 million kroons (11.8
million euros), 2% down from the previous year-end. Compared with 31 December   
2009, the Group's current assets grew by 5.3 million kroons (0.3 million euros) 
to 254.5 million kroons (16.3 million euros) at 31 March. Trade and other       
payables increased within the same time by 11.2 million kroons (0.7 million     
euros) to 170.6 million kroons (10.9 million euros).                            

At the end of the first quarter, the Group's borrowings totalled 358.7 million  
kroons (22.9 million euros), including bank loans of 342.2 million kroons (21.9 
million euros) and finance lease liabilities of 8.1 million kroons (0.5 million 
euros). Compared with the previous year-end, the debt burden has increased by   
2.8 million kroons (0.8 million euros). The growth in the debt burden results   
from a new short-term loan.                                                     

At 31 March 2010, the Group's net debt (interest-bearing liabilities less cash  
and bank balances) stood at 346.7 million kroons (22.2 million euros). The net  
debt to equity ratio was 223.2% (31 December 2009: 183.1%).The net debt to      
equity ratio will improve in the second quarter when the Group will implement a 
package for strengthening its financial position, which will involve arrangement
of an additional share issue and sale of assets not directly required for the   
core business.                                                                  

At the end of the first quarter, the Group's equity amounted to 155.3 million   
kroons (9.9 million euros).                                                     

In the first quarter of 2010, the Group's capital investments totalled 0.9      
million kroons (0.06 million euros) of which 0.7 million kroons (0.04 million   
euros) was invested in the retail system. In the first quarter of 2009, the     
Group invested 37.0 million kroons (2.4 million euros) of which 4.2 million     
kroons (0.3 million euros) was invested in the retail system.                   

At 31 March 2010, Baltika Group employed 1,647 (31 March 2009: 1,902) people,   
894 (2009: 939) of them in the retail system, 564 (2009: 758) in manufacturing  
and 189 (2009: 205) at the head office. The period's average number of staff was
1,672 (Q1 2009: 1,938).                                                         

The Group's employee remuneration expenses for the first quarter of 2010        
totalled 41.1 million kroons/2.7 million euros (Q1 2009: 53.4 million kroons/3.4
million euros). The remuneration of the members of the supervisory council and  
management board amounted to 1.3 million kroons/80 thsousand euros (Q1 2009:    
1.05 million kroons/67 thousand euros).                                         

KEY FIGURES OF THE GROUP (Q1 2010)                                              

|                                    |  31.03.2010 |  31.03.2009 |         +/- |
| Revenue (EEK million)              |       172.9 |       221.0 |      -21.8% |
| Retail sales (EEK million)         |       155.3 |       193.5 |      -19.7% |
| Share of retail sales in revenue   |         90% |         88% |             |
| Number of stores                   |         131 |         133 |       -1.5% |
| Sales area (sqm)                   |      26,178 |      27,042 |       -3.2% |
| Number of employees (end of        |       1,647 |       1,902 |      -13.4% |
| period)                            |             |             |             |
| Gross margin                       |       46.0% |       42.9% |             |
| Operating margin                   |      -18.1% |      -24.9% |             |
| EBT margin                         |      -18.3% |      -28.2% |             |
| Net margin                         |      -18.5% |      -28.3% |             |
| Current ratio                      |         0.8 |         1.1 |      -27.3% |
| Inventory turnover                 |        3.99 |        4.48 |      -10.9% |
| Debt to equity ratio               |      225.5% |      140.4% |             |
| Return on equity                   |      -74.4% |      -28.1% |             |
| Return on assets                   |      -21.3% |      -11.7% |             |
1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK                                                             

Definitions of key ratios                                                       
Gross margin = (Revenue-Cost of goods sold)/Revenue                             
Operating margin = Operating profit/Revenue                                     
EBT margin = Profit before income tax/Revenue                                   
Net margin = Net profit (attributable to parent)/Revenue                        
Current ratio = Current assets/Current liabilities                              
Inventory turnover = Revenue/Average inventories*                               
Debt to equity ratio = Interest-bearing liabilities/Equity                      
Return on equity (ROE) = Net profit (attributable to parent)/Average equity*    
Return on assets (ROA) = Net profit (attributable to parent)/Average total      
*Based on 12-month average                                                      

(unaudited, in EEK thousand)                                                    

|                                                |      Q1 2010 |      Q1 2009 |
| Revenue                                        |      172,850 |      221,017 |
| Cost of goods sold                             |      -92,673 |     -126,091 |
| Gross profit                                   |       80,177 |       94,926 |
| Distribution costs                             |     -108,721 |     -131,382 |
| Administrative and general expenses            |      -11,053 |      -11,334 |
| Other operating income                         |        9,177 |           11 |
| Other operating expenses                       |         -932 |       -7,319 |
| Operating loss                                 |      -31,352 |      -55,098 |
| Finance income                                 |        3,291 |            6 |
| Finance costs                                  |       -3,600 |       -7,299 |
| Loss before income tax                         |      -31,661 |      -62,391 |
| Income tax                                     |          -52 |         -151 |
| Net loss                                       |      -31,713 |      -62,542 |
| Loss attributable to:                          |              |              |
| Net loss attributable to equity holders of the |      -31,955 |      -62,563 |
| parent company                                 |              |              |
| Net loss attributable to minority shareholders |          242 |           21 |
| Other comprehensive income (loss)              |              |              |
| Currency translation differences               |          454 |       -7,145 |
| Total comprehensive loss                       |      -31,259 |      -69,687 |
| Comprehensive loss attributable to:            |              |              |
|    Equity holders of the parent company        |      -31,501 |      -68,497 |
|    Minority shareholders                       |          242 |       -1,190 |
| Basic earnings per share, EEK                  |        -1.71 |        -3.36 |
| Diluted earnings per share, EEK                |        -1.71 |        -3.36 |

| (unaudited, in EUR thousand)                                                 |
|                                                |      Q1 2010 |      Q1 2009 |
| Revenue                                        |       11,047 |       14,126 |
| Cost of goods sold                             |       -5,923 |       -8,059 |
| Gross profit                                   |        5,124 |        6,067 |
| Distribution costs                             |       -6,949 |       -8,397 |
| Administrative and general expenses            |         -706 |         -724 |
| Other operating income                         |          587 |            1 |
| Other operating expenses                       |          -60 |         -468 |
| Operating loss                                 |       -2,004 |       -3,521 |
| Finance income                                 |          210 |            0 |
| Finance costs                                  |         -230 |         -466 |
| Loss before income tax                         |       -2,024 |       -3,988 |
| Income tax                                     |           -3 |          -10 |
| Net loss                                       |       -2,027 |       -3,997 |
| Loss attributable to:                          |              |              |
| Net loss attributable to equity holders of the |       -2,042 |       -3,999 |
| parent company                                 |              |              |
| Net loss attributable to minority shareholders |           15 |            1 |
| Other comprehensive income (loss)              |              |              |
| Currency translation differences               |           29 |         -457 |
| Total comprehensive loss                       |       -1,998 |       -4,454 |
| Comprehensive loss attributable to:            |              |              |
|    Equity holders of the parent company        |       -2,013 |       -4,378 |
|    Minority shareholders                       |           15 |          -76 |
| Basic earnings per share, EUR                  |        -0.11 |        -0.21 |
| Diluted earnings per share, EUR                |        -0.11 |        -0.21 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL         |               |                |
| POSITION                                    |               |                |
| (unaudited, in EEK thousand)                                |                |
|                                             |    31.03.2010 |     31.12.2009 |
| ASSETS                                      |               |                |
| Current assets                              |               |                |
| Cash and bank                               |         3,588 |          6,024 |
| Trade and other receivables                 |        66,933 |         54,932 |
| Inventories                                 |       183,953 |        188,181 |
| Total current assets                        |       254,474 |        249,137 |
| Non-current assets                          |               |                |
| Deferred income tax asset                   |        16,488 |         16,488 |
| Other non-current assets                    |         7,335 |          7,728 |
| Investment property                         |       103,294 |        103,294 |
| Property, plant and equipment               |       239,505 |        263,165 |
| Intangible assets                           |        63,731 |         62,133 |
| Total non-current assets                    |       430,353 |        452,808 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |       684,827 |        701,945 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                      |               |                |
| Current liabilities                         |               |                |
| Borrowings                                  |       148,092 |        122,942 |
| Trade and other payables                    |       170,617 |        159,375 |
| Total current liabilities                   |       318,709 |        282,317 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |               |                |
| Borrowings                                  |       210,603 |        232,942 |
| Other liabilities                           |           202 |            114 |
| Deferred income tax liability               |             0 |              0 |
| Total non-current liabilities               |       210,805 |        233,056 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |       529,514 |        515,373 |
| EQUITY                                      |               |                |
| Share capital at par value                  |       226,449 |        226,449 |
| Share premium                               |         1,049 |          1,049 |
| Reserves                                    |        43,567 |         43,567 |
| Retained earnings                           |       -77,617 |         81,487 |
| Net profit (loss) for the period            |       -31,955 |       -159,104 |
| Currency translation differences            |        -8,956 |         -9,410 |
| Total equity attributable to equity holders |       152,537 |        184,038 |
| of the parent company                       |               |                |
| Minority interest                           |         2,776 |          2,534 |
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |       155,313 |        186,572 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                |       684,827 |        701,945 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL         |               |                |
| POSITION                                    |               |                |
| (unaudited, in EUR thousand)                                |                |
|                                             |    31.03.2010 |     31.12.2009 |
| ASSETS                                      |               |                |
| Current assets                              |               |                |
| Cash and bank                               |           229 |            385 |
| Trade and other receivables                 |         4,278 |          3,511 |
| Inventories                                 |        11,757 |         12,027 |
| Total current assets                        |        16,264 |         15,923 |
| Non-current assets                          |               |                |
| Deferred income tax asset                   |         1,054 |          1,054 |
| Other non-current assets                    |           469 |            494 |
| Investment property                         |         6,602 |          6,602 |
| Property, plant and equipment               |        15,307 |         16,819 |
| Intangible assets                           |         4,073 |          3,971 |
| Total non-current assets                    |        27,505 |         28,940 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                                |        43,768 |         44,862 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                      |               |                |
| Current liabilities                         |               |                |
| Borrowings                                  |         9,465 |          7,857 |
| Trade and other payables                    |        10,904 |         10,186 |
| Total current liabilities                   |        20,369 |         18,043 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |               |                |
| Borrowings                                  |        13,460 |         14,888 |
| Other liabilities                           |            13 |              7 |
| Deferred income tax liability               |             0 |              0 |
| Total non-current liabilities               |        13,473 |         14,895 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                           |        33,842 |         32,938 |
| EQUITY                                      |               |                |
| Share capital at par value                  |        14,473 |         14,473 |
| Share premium                               |            67 |             67 |
| Reserves                                    |         2,784 |          2,784 |
| Retained earnings                           |        -4,961 |          5,208 |
| Net profit (loss) for the period            |        -2,042 |        -10,169 |
| Currency translation differences            |          -572 |           -601 |
| Total equity attributable to equity holders |         9,749 |         11,762 |
| of the parent company                       |               |                |
| Minority interest                           |           177 |            162 |
| TOTAL EQUITY                                |         9,926 |         11,924 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                |        43,768 |         44,862 |

Ülle Järv                                                                       
CFO, Member of the Management Board                                             
+372 630 2731