Interim report January - March 2010

                      Interim report January - March 2010
             Net Insight AB (publ), Corporate Reg. No. 556533-4397

January - March 2010

·         Net sales of SEK 60.5 million (60.4).

·         Software license and support revenue of SEK 15.8 million (16.9).

·         Gross Margin of 74.7% (75.7) applying the same accounting treatment as
in previous years. See page 5.

·         Gross margin of 65.7% (75.7). The decline is mainly related to change
in accounting treatment.

·         Operating margin of 10.3% (17.1).

·         Earnings before tax of SEK 6.0 million (10.0).

·         Net income of SEK 64.0 million (7.2). The improvement is a one-time
effect related to the IPR transaction earlier announced.

·         Earnings per share of SEK 0.16 (0.02).

·         Total cash flow of SEK 53.1 million (20.9).

Our revenues in the first quarter of 2010 were significantly above revenues in
Q4, 2009 and slightly above revenues in the first quarter of 2009. The revenue
distribution between our core segments Broadcast Media Networks, DTT & Mobile TV
and CATV/IPTV will of course vary over time. As regards Q1, 2010 I am pleased to
note that the repeat business in BMN was stronger than in prevoius quarters and
we are continuing to win new DTT business at a good rate. Compared with Q4,
2009 both the Americas and Asia showed slight improvements.

The business generated shows a good mix between existing and new customers. We
won a couple of new DTT projects and a significant amount of business with
customers operating national, regional or global contribution networks. In terms
of mission critical contribution business, you may have noted our significant
involvement relating to the soccer World Cup in South Africa this summer. Many
key customers will bring signals from South Africa over the Nimbra platform.

We continue our build up of our resources in Sales, Marketing and R&D according
to plan and the financial position remains strong.

During the quarter we have commenced the strategic task to focus our IPR and
management thereof in a new wholly owned subsidiary with dedicated management.
Focusing and consolidating our IPR activities in a new way will facilitate
future work and opportunities relating to our IPR.

The first few months of this year have shown an increasing amount of business
opportunities compared with the beginning of 2009.

The full report can be found below.

Stockholm, May 7 2010

Fredrik Trägårdh
Chief Executive Officer

For more information, please contact:

Fredrik Trägårdh, CEO Net Insight AB,

Tel: +46 (0) 8-685 0400, e-mail:

Thomas Bergström, CFO, Net Insight AB

Tel.: +46 (0) 8-685 04 00, email:

Net Insight AB

Box 42093

126 14 Stockholm

Tel +46 (0) 8 685 04 00


Corporate Reg. No. 556533-4397



Interim report Jan - Mar 2010.pdf