Interim report January - March 2010

The Group's sales for the period amounted to SEK 131 (180) million.

EBITDA amounted to SEK 18 (28) million.

Operating profit totalled SEK 11 (23) million.

The net profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK -3 (9) million

Earnings per share after tax for the period were SEK -0.01 (0.03 ) before and
after dilution

Significant events during the period

The Board decided to initiate a process to review the communicated financial

Significant events after the period

The Board has appointed Maris Hartmanis as BioPhausia's new CEO.

Niklas Prager has been proposed as the new Chairman of the Board of BioPhausia.

BioPhausia has become the main supplier of parallel-imported pharmaceuticals to



BioPhausia Interim report.pdf