Interim report - first quarter 2010

Attached please find the full report as PDF file.

Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                   Announcement no. 17
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                     19 May 2010
1067 Copenhagen K

Interim report - first quarter 2010

Today, the Board of Directors approved the interim report for the first quarter
of 2010. The full report is attached as PDF file and contains the following

| Key figures and ratios    | Highlights:                                      |
| (USDm)                    |                                                  |
| EBITDA                    | Q1 2010               | Q1 2009                  |
| Group                     | 79                    | 15                       |
|                           | NORDEN had a good start to the year with an      |
|                           | increase in operating profit (EBITDA) of 425%    |
|                           | compared to the same period last year. The       |
|                           | profit is positively affected by 2 previously    |
|                           | announced non-recurring income items of a total  |
|                           | of USD 37 million. Excluding these non-recurring |
|                           | income items, the operating profit increased by  |
|                           | 180%.                                            |
| EBITDA                    | Q1 2010               | Q1 2009                  |
| Dry Cargo                 | 81                    | 9                        |
|                           | The Dry Cargo Department increased its EBITDA    |
|                           | based on high coverage at attractive rates.      |
|                           | Furthermore, the department was well positioned  |
|                           | in the market with the majority of open ship     |
|                           | days in the small vessel types where the spot    |
|                           | rates increased. The market was robust.          |
| EBITDA                    | Q1 2010              | Q1 2009                   |
| Tanker                    | 1                    | 9                         |
|                           | The Tanker Department achieved a small operating |
|                           | profit in a market which was still challenging,  |
|                           | but turned out better than expected,             |
|                           | because the cold winter on the northern          |
|                           | hemisphere increased demand.                     |
| EBIT                      | Q1 2010              | Q1 2009                   |
| Group                     | 69                   | 22                        |
|                           | Sale of vessels generated a loss of USD          |
|                           | 1 million (profit of USD 16 million), whereas    |
|                           | depreciation increased as a result of a larger   |
|                           | number of owned vessels. Therefore, EBIT did not |
|                           | increase to the same extent as EBITDA, but,      |
|                           | however, increased by 214%.                      |
|                           |                                                  |
|                           | The profit for the period was USD 63 million     |
|                           | (USD 73 million). This includes fair value       |
|                           | adjustments of certain hedging instruments of    |
|                           | USD -1 million (USD 55 million).                 |
| Theoretical NAV           | Q1 2010              | Q1 2009                   |
| DKK per share             | 303                  | 292                       |
|                           | NORDEN has purchased 5 product tankers and is    |
|                           | searching the market for new opportunities. In   |
|                           | Dry Cargo, the portfolio has been optimised by   |
|                           | entering into new sales agreements for 2 vessels |
|                           | during the quarter and 4 vessels after the end   |
|                           | of the quarter. The market values of the         |
|                           | Company's owned vessels and newbuilding orders   |
|                           | at 31 March 2010 amounted to USD 1,562 million,  |
|                           | and the value of the Company's charter parties   |
|                           | with purchase and extension option is estimated  |
|                           | to be USD 493 million. Thus, the total           |
|                           | theoretical NAV was DKK 303 per share against    |
|                           | DKK 268 at the end of 2009.                      |
| Coverage 2010             |                                                  |
| Dry Cargo                 | 81%                                              |
| Tanker                    | 50%                                              |
|                           | NORDEN has taken advantage of the good market in |
|                           | order to increase coverage in Dry Cargo. Thus,   |
|                           | coverage in mid-May is 81% for 2010 (65% at the  |
|                           | turn of the year) and 48% for 2011 (33% at the   |
|                           | turn of the year). In Tankers, coverage has been |
|                           | increased to 50% for 2010 and 27% for 2011       |
|                           | against 41% and 20% at the turn of the year,     |
|                           | respectively, through a number of agreements to  |
|                           | charter out vessels.                             |
| Outlook 2010              |                                                  |
| EBITDA                    | 170-220                                          |
| EBIT                      | 155-205                                          |
|                           | Based on the results in the first quarter and    |
|                           | the good coverage for the rest of the year,      |
|                           | NORDEN raises its expectations in both Dry Cargo |
|                           | and Tankers to an EBITDA of USD 200-230 million  |
|                           | and USD -20-0 million, respectively,from         |
|                           | USD 190-220 million and USD -25 to-5 million,    |
|                           | respectively. Consequently, the Group's          |
|                           | EBITDA is expected to be USD 170-220 million     |
|                           | (previously USD 155-205 million), whereas the    |
|                           | Group's EBIT is expected to be USD 155-205       |
|                           | million (previously USD 135-185 million).        |

A telephone conference will be held today at 15:30 hours (CET) where CEO
Carsten Mortensen, CFO Michael Tønnes Jørgensen and Senior Vice President
Martin Badsted will comment on the report. By 15:25 hours (CET) at the latest,
Danish participants should dial +45 3271 4767 while participants from abroad
should dial +44 (0) 208 817 9301 or +1 718 354 1226. The telephone conference
can be followed live at the website where the accompanying
presentation is also available. 

Further information: CEO Carsten Mortensen, tel. +45 3315 0451.


                         Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
                                52, Strandvejen
                               DK-2900 HELLERUP
                               CVR no. 67758919


interim report first quarter 2010.pdf