Installation of processing plant equipment has commenced at Pampalo Gold Mine

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Endomines AB's wholly owned subsidiary Endomines Oy has received the first batch
of  processing equipment from  Metso Minerals Sala  AB. The delivery consists of
flotation cells and the installation has already commenced.

The delivery and start of the installation work follows the project construction
time table.

 "Major  building works have now been completed according to schedule and within
budget  despite the very  cold winter. During  the forthcoming summer and autumn
months,  all the plant equipment will be  installed. The plant will be ready for
test  production as  scheduled from  Q4/2010 and  for full scale production from
Q1/2011  when the  power line  will be  completed," says  Markus Ekberg,  CEO of

"I  would like to take this opportunity to thank all our partners, suppliers and
employees for their commitment to the project. Their commitment and high quality
of  work can  also be  seen in  our excellent  safety records  with no Lost Time
Injuries from the start-up of the Pampalo Gold Mine project", Ekberg remarks.

For further information, please contact:

Markus Ekberg
CEO of Endomines AB
tel. +358 40 706 48 50

About                                                                  Endomines
During  2009 Endomines has taken several important steps to develop the business
from  exploration to full-scale gold production. By the end of 2010, the company
will  commence production at the  Pampalo Gold Mine, with  a projected output of
900-1,000 kg of gold per annum. Other deposits along the Karelian Gold Line will
be   exploited   subsequently.   Endomines  has  additional  claims  and  mining
concessions  in  Finnish  Lappland  (gold,  Ostrobothnia (ilmenite) and Southern
Finland (limestone/wollastonite).

Endomines  applies SveMin's &  FinnMin's respective rules  for reporting (public
mining  &  exploration  companies).  Endomines  has  chosen  to  report  mineral
resources  and ore reserves according to the internationally accepted JORC or NI
43-101-code. Endomines   applies  International  Financial  Reporting  Standards
(IFRS) as approved by the European Union.

The  shares  of  Endomines  AB  are  quoted  on  First  North Premier segment in
Stockholm  under  ticker  symbol  ENDO.ST.  Erik  Penser  Bankaktiebolag acts as
Certified Adviser and Liquidity Provider.

Read more about Endomines <>



Press Release PDF.pdf