Declaration of Market Making in RIKH 18 1009

Islandsbanki hereby declares that the Bank obliges to submit a bid order for
the bond RIKH 18 1009 each trading day in the NASDAQ OMX trading system.  The
minimum volume for the bid order will be 100 million ISK and each filled order
will be renewed within 15 minutes. 
In the event that the total traded volume exceeds 600 million intraday,
Islandsbanki reserves the right to stop submitting bid orders until the next
trading day. Should Islandsbanki decide to withdraw this Market Making
Declaration, it will be done with a minimum of one month's notice. 
This Declaration is a unilaterally put forth by Islandsbanki, and is not a part
of an agreement with the Government Debt Management or any other party.