Reprimand to TrygVesta

|                                      |              Copenhagen, 3 June 2010  |
Information from the company about a future company announcement                

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has given a reprimand to TrygVesta A/S because the IR     
director of the company has provided an analyst with information about a future 
company announcement, or at least provided the analyst with information that    
would lead the analyst to conclude that the company would publish an            
announcement cf. 3.1.1 in Rules for issuers of shares.                          

The complete decision is available in Decisions & Statements on the following   

In order to ensure more transparency about the decisions from the exchange, the 
exchange has decided, to publish decisions made by the exchange concerning a    
reprimand or a fine, with the identity of the issuer. This is stated in Rules   
for issuers of shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, rule 5.                         

For further information, please contact: Tine Rau Schiøtt, Surveillance, tel 33 
93 33 66


au meddelelse_uk_juni 2010 - trygvesta.pdf