„Agrowill Group“ is strengthening management in production companies

One of the biggest agriculture investment and development companies in the
Baltic states „Agrowill Group“, seeking to enhance efficiency, has drawn
attention to the top management level. Experienced agriculture business
professionals have been invited to head the companies belonging to the group. 
„We have done great work in agriculture sector consolidation in 2003-2008 which
resulted in creating one of the biggest agriculture holding structure in the
Baltic states. Current result certifies that we were able to unbend after the
concequences of the global financial crisis in 2009. Our biggest attention in
2010-2013 will be paid to maximum exploitation of the infrastructure which is
bigger than 30.000 ha. Therefore it is very important to have strong top
management team with experience and business abilities“, - said Vladas
Bagavičius, board member of „Agrowill Group“. 
According to him, „Agrowill Group“ was successful in attracting gifted and
experienced managers. 
All milk farms belonging to „Agrowill Group“ will be managed by Sigitas
Japertas, who is established as one of the best milk farm professionals in the
Baltic states, with doctor degree from Lithuanian Veterinary Academy and
Lithuanian Veterinary Institute. 
„Agrowill Želsvelė“ is headed by Mamertas Krasauskas who has extensive
experience of managing agriculture companies. 
„Agrowill Mantviliškis“, „Agrowill Veriškės“ and „Agrowill Skėmiai“ will be
headed by Virginijus Kropaitis, who has more than 10 years of experience in
managing one of the biggest Lithuanian agriculture companies „Agra
„Agrowill Smilgiai“ will be headed by Mindagas Petrauskas, who has years of
experience working in agriculture sector. 
„Grūduva“ last year was headed by Egidijus Matulionis, who has more than 5
years of experience working in „Linas Agro Group“. 
According to V. Bagavičius, top management members have been given a task to
increase efficiency of the companies, develop process control mechanisms and
concentrate on improving agricultural knowledge of production specialists. 
„Agrowill Group“ cultivates and manages more than 30 thousand ha of land and
livestock of 3,5 thousand cows. More than 400 qualified personell works in
companies belonging to „Agrowill Group“. 

About „Agrowill Group“
One of the biggest in the Baltic States, the agricultural investment and
development company  AB „Agrowill Group“ is the only centrally managed group of
fifteen companies in Lithuania  involved in primary agricultural production. In
2009, the company evaluated its resources in a very conservative manner and did
all the necessary adjustments which caused a loss of LTL 48 million. Yet, in
2010, the company expects to work profitably.  The main shareholders of AB
„Agrowill Group“ are Linas Strėlis (AB „INVALDA“) and AB „ŽIA VALDA“. The
company shares are quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Stock Exchange. 

For more information, please contact:
Vladas Bagavičius, the member of the Board of AB „Agrowill Group“, 
ph. no. (8~610) 31807.