Finnair's April-June loss projected to be lower than expected

Finnair has updated its previous guidance on the second-quarter result. The
company's operational loss for April-June is projected to be at the same level
or smaller than the first-quarter operational loss. Earlier guidance projected
the second-quarter result to be clearly worse than the first-quarter figure. 

- We naturally cannot be satisfied with a loss-making result, but the trend in
profitability is encouraging. We must complete the implementation of our 200
million euro profit improvement programme and at the same time safeguard our
long-term cost-competitiveness, says Finnair's President & CEO Mika

The reasons for the improved financial performance are better than expected
development of demand and unit revenues. The negative post-effects of the
volcanic ash crisis, which disrupted air traffic in April, were milder than

The strong growth in demand that began in March and continues still as well as
a strengthening of load factors have improved unit revenues in Finnair's
scheduled traffic. 

- Demand is growing in markets outside Finland, but Finnish business travel
remains subdued. It is fortunate that we have systematically invested in
Asia-Europe traffic, which is not to the same extent dependent on Finnish
demand as domestic or European flights. 

Cargo traffic demand has improved significantly during the spring, which is
reflected both in tonnes carried and in unit revenues. Last year passenger and
cargo traffic volumes and unit revenues sustained historic declines. 

Finnair Plc
9 June 2010

Additional information:
Taneli Hassinen, VP Financial Communications and IR, tel. +358 9 818 4976