Regarding non-competitive auctions on 17.06.2010

| ISIN code of the security                  | LV00005 32778 |  LV00005 41464  |
| Date of non-competitive auction            |  17.06.2010   |   17.06.2010    |
| Settlement date                            |  18.06.2010   |   18.06.2010    |
| Maturity date                              |  17.12.2010   |   17.06.2011    |
| Supply value for non-competitive auction   |   1 000 000   |    1 000 000    |
| (LVL)                                      |               |                 |
| Fixed income rate set by State Treasury    |    2.178 %    |     3.260 %     |
| (%)                                        |               |                 |
| Price of one security                      |   98.910892   |    96.808961    |

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