Topdanmark Forsikring A/S issues subordinated notes

17 June 2010

Following its previous announcements on the issue of subordinated notes of DKK
350m Topdanmark forsikring A/S has today published the relevant prospectus. 

On 18 June 20105 Topdanmark Forsikring A/S will issue subordinated notes with a
total nominal value of DKK 350m as subordinated loan capital. In the period
from and including 18 June 2010 up to but excluding 18 June 2015 the interest
rate on the notes is 7.15% p.a. and in the period from and including 18 June
2015 up to but excluding 18 June 2018 it is a quarterly, floating coupon rate. 

These subordinated notes will be redeemed on 18 June 2018 at par. Topdanmark
may redeem early at par from 18 June 2015 subject to the prior approval of the
Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. 

The issue of the notes has been arranged by Danske Bank A/S and they have
already been allotted to a group of institutional investors. 

The notes will be listed for trading on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S with the
first day of trading on 18 June 2010. The ISIN code of the notes is

For further details, see the attached prospectus (in Danish) published by
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S on 17 June 2010. 

Please direct any queries to:
Steffen Heegaard, Head of IR and Group Communications
Direct tel: +45 4474 4017, Mobile: +45 4025 3524


endeligt prospekt med underskrifter.pdf