Ruukki Group Plc, Stock Exchange Release, 23 June 2010 at 11:30 a.m.            

NOTICE TO THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING                                     

Notice is given to the shareholders of Ruukki Group Plc to the Extraordinary    
General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 11 August 2010, starting at 10:00 a.m.  
in Espoo at the address Keilasatama 5, Espoo, Finland.                          

The reception of persons who have registered for the meeting begins at 9:30 a.m.
in the meeting facilities.                                                      


1. Opening of the Meeting                                                       
2. Election of the Chairman and Secretary                                       
3. Approval of the agenda                                                       
4. Election of the scrutinizer of the minutes and the person to supervise the   
 counting of votes                                                              
5. Recording the legality and quorum of the Meeting                             
6. Adoption of the list of votes                                                

7.Resolution on the number of the members of the Board of Directors             

The Company's Nomination Committee proposes to the Extraordinary General Meeting
that there will be nine (9) members on the Board of Directors.                  

8.Election of the members of the Board of Directors                             

The Company's Nomination Committee proposes to the Extraordinary General Meeting
that Danko Koncar and Alwyn Smit will be elected as new members of the Board of 
Directors for the term of office that ends at the end of the Annual General     
Meeting of 2011. All current members of the Board of Directors will continue.   

9. Closing of the Meeting                                                       

B. DOCUMENTS OF THE GENERAL MEETING                                             

Documents to be kept on view in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act are   
available for the shareholders' inspection no later than a week before the      
Extraordinary General Meeting at the Company's headquarters at the address      
Keilasatama 5, FI-02150 Espoo. In addition, the documents will be available no  
later than 21 days before the Extraordinary General Meeting on the Company's    
website at the address Copies of these documents will be    
sent to the shareholders on request.                                            

The minutes of the Meeting will be available on the above-mentioned website as  
of 25 August 2010 at the latest.                                                


1. Right to attend                                                              

A shareholder who no later than on Friday 30 July 2010 is registered as the     
Company's shareholder in a shareholder register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd   
has the right to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting. A shareholder
whose shares are registered on his/her personal Finnish book-entry account is   
registered in the Company's shareholder register.                               

2. Notice to attend                                                             

A shareholder wishing to attend the Meeting shall give the Company a notice to  
attend the meeting no later than by Friday 6 August 2010 at 4:00 p.m., either:  

- by letter to Ruukki Group Plc, Keilasatama 5, 02150 Espoo;                    
- by e-mail to; or                                          
- by fax on +358 10 440 7001.                                                   

The notice shall be at the Company before the deadline of the notice to attend. 
A shareholder is also requested to inform, besides his/her name, his/her        
identity number or business ID, address, phone number and the name of a possible
representative. The personal data of shareholders shall be used only for        
purposes related to the General Meeting and necessary registration related      

According to section 25 of Chapter 5 of the Finnish Companies Act, shareholders 
attending the General Meeting have the right to request information concerning  
matters which are discussed at the meeting.                                     

3. Proxy representative and powers of attorney                                  

A shareholder has the right to attend the Meeting and exercise his/her rights by
way of proxy representation. A proxy representative shall produce a dated proxy 
document or otherwise in a reliable manner demonstrate his/her right to         
represent the shareholder. If a shareholder participates in the Extraordinary   
General Meeting by means of several proxy representatives representing the      
shareholder with shares on different securities accounts, the shares by which   
each proxy representative represents the shareholder shall be identified in     
connection with the registration.                                               

Possible proxy documents are requested to be delivered in originals together    
with the notice to attend to address Ruukki Group Plc, Keilasatama 5, FI-02150  
Espoo before the end of notice period 6 August 2010 at 4:00 p.m.                

4. Holders of nominee registered shares                                         

A holder of nominee registered shares is advised to request in good time in     
advance necessary instructions regarding the registration in the Company's      
shareholder register, issuing of proxy documents and registration for the       
Extraordinary General Meeting from his/her custodian bank. The account          
management organization of the custodian bank will register a holder of nominee 
registered shares, who wants to participate in the Extraordinary General        
Meeting, to be entered into the Company's temporary shareholder register no     
later than by 6 August 2010 at 10 a.m.                                          

5. Other instructions and information                                           

On the date of this notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting, 23 June 2010,  
the total number of shares and votes in Ruukki Group Plc is 247,982,000, and the
company holds in total 8,740,895 own shares.                                    

ESPOO, ON 23 JUNE 2010                                                          

RUUKKI GROUP PLC                                                                

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Ruukki Group is an industrial group focusing on minerals and wood processing    
businesses. Ruukki Group Plc's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki and     
traded in the mid cap segment, in the industrials sector.                       

For additional information, please contact:                                     

Alwyn Smit                                                                      
Chief Executive Officer                                                         
Ruukki Group Plc                                                                
Telephone +41 7960 19094                                                                                                             

This stock exchange release is released in Finnish and in English. In case of   
any discrepancies, inconsistencies or inaccuracies, the Finnish version of the  
release shall prevail.