Election of employee representatives to the Board of Directors of Danisco A/S

The election of employee representatives and alternates to the Board of
Directors of Danisco A/S was held on 23 June 2010. 

The result of the election was that Flemming Kristensen was re-elected as
employee representative and Anne Agger Sparsø and Werner Hess were elected as
new employee representatives. Anja Lund was re-elected as alternate and Alex
Andreassen and Peter Christensen were elected as new alternates. 

The employee representatives will join the Board of Directors in connection
with the Annual General Meeting of Danisco A/S, which will be held on 19 August
2010. The employee representatives and the alternates will all serve for a
4-year period. 

Yours faithfully

Tom Knutzen


04-2010 uk election of employee representatives to the board of directors.pdf