Member countries increase NIB's capital base

Helsinki, 28 June 2010

Member countries increase NIB's capital base

The Board of Governors of the Nordic Investment Bank has decided to increase the
Bank's authorised capital by EUR 2 billion. The capital increase will be
allocated to the callable, unpaid portion of the authorised capital stock.
Following the subscription, the Bank's authorised capital will amount to EUR
6,142 million (currently EUR 4,142 million).

The capital increase and related amendments to the Statutes will enter into
force once the necessary national procedures in the member countries have been
completed. A table showing NIB's capital structure after the new subscription
can be found at

As a result of this capital increase, the Bank is expected to further enhance
its focus on activities supporting its mandate.

The next assessment of the Bank's capital requirement is scheduled for 2015.



NIB capital increase - Regulatory release.pdf