Talentum Oyj		Press release July 1, 2010 at 12.00 


Reijo Ruokanen has been chosen as the Editor-in-Chief of Talouselämä magazine.
Ruokanen moves to the post from the position of Editor-in-Chief of the
Ilta-Sanomat newspaper. 

Reijo Ruokanen, a 49-year-old professional in journalistic management, has been
chosen as the Editor-in-Chief of Talouselämä magazine. Ruokanen moves to the
post from the position of Editor-in-Chief of the Ilta-Sanomat newspaper. 

“I have been producing news for more than 20 years for different employers. Now
it's time to move on to more in-depth and more forward-looking journalism. The
fact that I will join a team producing Finland's best economic magazine is a
great privilege,” explains Ruokanen. 
Before working for Ilta-Sanomat, Ruokanen had a stint as the Managing Editor of
the Iltalehti magazine and in MTV3 as its London correspondent. 
For Talentum, the publisher of Talouselämä, the appointment of Ruokanen
provides a new perspective. 

“Reijo will be in charge of a brand that is in good shape and that is produced
by top professionals in the field. He has experience with different aspects of
journalistic management and the creation and development of magazine concepts.
Reijo thinks in a very reader-oriented manner, which supports the development
of Talouselämä,” says Elina Yrjölä, Director of Talentum's Magazine Business in

Ruokanen will start in his new job in September.

Talouselämä is published by Talentum. The magazine has a circulation of 80,101
and has been published continuously since 1938. 

For more information, please contact:

Elina Yrjölä, Director, Magazine Business in Finland, tel. +358 40 342 4427
Reijo Ruokanen, Editor-in-Chief, tel. +358 40 850 2728

Talentum is a publisher and producer of information for professionals, aiming
to be the largest and most profitable player in its field in the Nordic
countries and other selected markets. The Talentum Group employs some 800
people in Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Baltic countries and Russia. Talentum's
Finnish media are Talouselämä, Arvopaperi, Fakta, Tekniikka&Talous, MikroPC,
Tietoviikko, Markkinointi&Mainonta, Metallitekniikka, Energia and Mediuutiset,
while in Sweden it publishes Ny Teknik, Affärsvärlden, Byggvärlden, Dagens
Media, Lag&Avtal and Arbetarskydd. Talentum HR produces information, seminars
and publications for professionals in HR in Sweden. Sverige Bygger in Sweden
and Norge Bygges in Norway produce construction business information. Talentum
is also the leading publisher of a wide range of legal and professional
literature and an instructor in the legal field. Talentum Oyj is listed on
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy.