Skanska to develop and build Swedish Security Service's headquarters in Solna - sells ongoing project, which generates construction assignment for app

Skanska to develop and build Swedish Security Service's headquarters in
Solna - sells ongoing project, which generates construction assignment
for approximately SEK 1 billion

Skanska is to sell the land and development project for the Swedish
Security Service's new head office in Solna to the state-owned
Specialfastigheter Sverige AB, which owns and manages buildings for
special purposes like correctional facilities, police stations and

Skanska Sweden's design and construction assignment amounts to
approximately SEK 1 billion, which will be included in order bookings
for the third quarter.
The undeveloped land sold to Specialfastigheter comprises about 9,000
square meters. In accordance with Skanska's information policy, the
sales profit for commercial development projects under execution is not
The office property, which includes a total of 44,000 square meters,
will be developed and built in the new area, Ingenting, in Solna in the
Stockholm region. In addition to offices for about 800 people, the
building will also house health and training premises, shooting range
and auto-repair workshop.
The project will be developed jointly by Specialfastigheter, Skanska
Commercial Development Nordic and Skanska Sweden, in collaboration with
Solna City.
"This will be the start for the new Ingenting area, with workplaces and
housing in a fantastic central location," says Lars-Erik Salminen,
Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board of Solna.
The property is designed so that energy consumption will be at least 25
percent lower than the standard for the National Board of Housing,
Building and Planning, which is the requirement for EU GreenBuilding
"It is highly valuable that we were able to create an environmentally
sound property, both for us as the long-term owner and for our tenants,"
says Peter Karlström, President of Specialfastigheter i Sverige AB.
The construction work will commence immediately and is scheduled for
completion in 32 months. Skanska will implement the work according to
the Green Workplace concept, which is Skanska Sweden's own environmental
label for construction sites.
Within the Ingenting area, Skanska has additional building rights for
15,000 square meters of offices and about 550 apartments. The first
housing phase will commence in the autumn with 36 apartments.
Skanska is one of Sweden's largest construction companies with
operations involving housing and civil engineering, as well as
development of residential units and commercial premises. In Sweden, the
company has about 10,000 employees, and revenues for construction
operations amounted to about SEK 25 billion in 2009. During 2009,
residential development operations sold about 1,000 new homes. Skanska
also offers services within public/private partnerships.
For further information, please contact:
Caroline Arehult, President, Skanska Fastigheter Stockholm, tel: +46
(0)10-448 11 12.
Lars Jonson, Regional Manager, Skanska Sweden, tel: +46 (0)10-448 16 71.
Peter Gimbe, Group Press Officer, Skanska, tel: +46 (0)10-448 88 38.
Direct line for media: +46 (0)10-448 88 99.
This and previous releases can also be found at (
Skanska AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein
pursuant to the Securities Markets Act.
Skanska is one of the world's leading project development and
construction groups with expertise in construction, development of
commercial and residential projects and public-private partnerships.
Based on the company's global environmental expertise, Skanska aims to
be the customer's first choice for Green projects. The Group currently
has 49,000 employees in selected home markets in Europe, the U.S. and
Latin America. Skanska's sales in 2009 totaled SEK 137 billion.


