Cybercom development partner to China Mobile

Cybercom development partner to China Mobile

Cybercom has been acting as a development partner to the world's largest
telecom operator China Mobile. Together with China Mobile Wireless Music
R&D Center, Cybercom has developed a Qt media player solution for
various platforms and devices.

“We are proud to be a professional development partner to the world's
biggest telecom operator. China Mobile Wireless Music R&D Center is
developing great solutions,” says Mika Muukkonen, General Manager at
Cybercom in Chengdu, China.

Cybercom has assisted China Mobile Wireless Music R&D Center in
developing a leading edge Qt media player solution which makes China
Mobile Wireless Music R&D Center solutions work for various platforms.
With Qt, China Mobile Wireless Music R&D Center can build innovative
applications once and then deploy across all major mobile, desktop,
consumer electronic and embedded platforms such as Mac. In addition to
the development using Qt, Cybercom is developing similar music solutions
using other tecnologies for China Mobile Wireless Music's targeted
platforms as well.

“Being a trusted IT-consultancy partner to China Mobile Wireless Music
R&D Center gives us a unique chance to grow with local business on the
world´s biggest telecom market, says Patrik Boman CEO of Cybercom.”
Simultaneously we pursue our strategy to develop Chengdu as an important
offshore hub for Cybercom´s global customers.

Cybercom`s development assignment for China Mobile Wireless Music R&D
Center continues to grow and the number of consultants involved has more
than doubled over the last two quarters.


Find out more, contact:

Mika Muukkonen, General Manager, Cybercom China, +86 15 902 818 911

Patrik Boman, CEO Cybercom Group, +46 739 838 979     

Anna Trane, Press & PR Manager, Cybercom Group, +46 708 84 74 69    

